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The Pleistocene is called the Ice Age because the beginning of that epoch was the start of the present Ice Age, about 2.58 million years ago.

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Q: Why is the pleitocene epoch is called ice age?
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Related questions

Why is the pleistocene epoch called the ice age?

Because in this period, there was ice all over the world.

What is another name for the last Ice Age?

The Pleistocene epoch

How did the Pliocene epoch end?

The Pliocene epoch ended by glaciers and the beginning of the ice age. This is what started the pliostocene era

What does the term Ice Age mean when it is capitalized?

Some also say: ice age = all of the ice ages (a general name). Ice Age = Pleistocene Glacial Epoch.

What is despotional landform?

Many now-familiar glacial landforms were created by the movement of huge sheets of ice called continental glaciers during the Pleistocene Epoch (more commonly called the Ice Age.)

What is the name commonly use as a synonym for the Ice Age?

cold period, glacial period

What is a common used synonym for the ice age?


Why is the ice age called the ice age?

It was called the ice age because Europe and Asia were connected by the ice. Get it ice age.

Did ice age occur during the Mesozoic era?

No, the most well-known Ice Age was in the Cenozoic Era, during the Pleistocene epoch.

What types of plants lived during the Pleistocene epoch?

Some of the plants that were living in the Pleistocene Age (Ice Age) are: -Grasses -Shrubs -Conifer Trees -Mosses -Flowering Plants -Lichen

When did the ice age end?

The Great Ice Age occurred during the Pleistocene Epoch, which began about two million years ago and lasted until 11,000 years ago. .. we are still in an ice age because, all the ice bergs and ice sheets have not melted. we are coming out of an ice age slowly but surely. but its faster than we thought because of all the greenhouse effect that is going on in the world today. (global warming is making the ice melt quicker).

Is the first ice age movie the meltdown?

No it is just called "Ice Age"