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The absolute zero is 0 degrees Kelvin (- 273.15 deg celcius)

Nothing is colder (less energetic) than this.

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Q: Why is the possible for anything to be colder than zero?
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Is absolute temperature is same like absolute zero?

No, but they are related. Absolute zero is the coldest possible temperature. Absolute temperature is the temperature above this coldest possible temperature - i.e., how much hotter is it than the coldest theoretically possible temperature. Celsius temperature isn't absolute. It starts from the temperature of freezing water, and it needs negative numbers for anything colder than that. Fahrenheit temperature isn't absolute. It says that zero is 32 degrees colder than freezing water, and it needs negative numbers for anything colder than that. Absolute temperature starts from absolute zero. Nothing is colder than that, so absolute temperature is never a negative number.

Can nothing get colder than 0 k?

No,0 Kelvin is absolute zero,cold as anything can get.

Why is it possible to have negative values on the F and C temperature scales?

Temperatures can be MUCH colder than the Zero point on both.

Is 1 colder on the sub zero dial than 7?

7 is colder

What does the term Kelvin refer to when talking about heat?

Kelvin was the scientist who thought up the Kelvin scale of temperatures. 273.15 below zero on the Celsius scale is "absolute zero"; the lowest possible temperature where any activity due to heat is stopped. Theoretically it is not possible to reach absolute zero in anything because to reach it you would need something colder to absorb the heat, and there is nothing colder.

What is meant by absolute zero of temperature?

It is the coldest temperature. Nothing is colder than absolute zero. Scientists do know what happens in absolute zero because to get it to absolute zero, they have to put the object in something colder. But like mentioned above, nothing is colder than absolute zero. It is pretty much the end of the thermometer.

What is meant by absolute zero temperature?

It is the coldest temperature. Nothing is colder than absolute zero. Scientists do know what happens in absolute zero because to get it to absolute zero, they have to put the object in something colder. But like mentioned above, nothing is colder than absolute zero. It is pretty much the end of the thermometer.

Can anything get colder than 0 K?

No. 0 degr.K (or more correctly 0 Kelvin) is absolute zero = minus 273.2 degr.C

What is colder than 5 F below zero?


What is the lowest teperature for celsius?

-273 degrees. This is called absolute zero or the point at which you cannot get any colder. It is theoretically impossible get colder than absolute zero.

Which is colder zero degrees Celsius or zero Kelvin?

0 Kelvin is much colder than 0 Celsius:0 kelvin = -273.15 degrees Celsius

Why is Celsius zero called absolute zero?

It isn't. "Absolute zero" is zero on the Kelvin scale, 273.15 degrees colder than zero Celsius.