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Q: Why is the scalp painful and red?
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There are many reasons why you might have painful bumps on left side of scalp. These could be bug bites.

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What symptoms does the psoriasis cause?

plagues of red skin that may be itchy and painful, discoloration and pitting of the nails and toenails, scales or crust on the scalp

What causes the scalp to get red if its not psoriasis?

The scalp could be red from rosacea or an allergy to shampoo.

Scabs on your scalp that hurt?

Your scalp may sometimes get very dry,when this occurs it becomes itchy and with a scratch it may feel good but you may be cutting your scalp with out any pain,thus causing your scalp to have scaps...

You have painful headlumps which then disappear after a couple of days your scalp feels tender and the lumps are very sore to touch you have red blood vessels in your eye?

I am getting a lot of them now and they make me very dizzy.

Why do fingernails feel painful and red?

Your fingernails feel painful and red because your skin is attached to your nails.

Is hair restoration surgery painful?

"Yes, it is because you have to have small incisions done on your scalp, and pieces of hair sewn into them. It seems like it would be very painful once you woke up from surgery."

Why is your ear painful and red?

You might have an infection

Symptom for scalp injury?

A scalp injury is going to bleed like a river, only red. The scalp has lots of blood being pumped there (helps keep the hair alive), so when a person cuts the scalp he/she does 2 things: Go to the hospital immediately then throw the shirt away.

Can the red painful pimple be cause of hiv?

It is not likely.

What to do when your leg gets red and painful?

Go to the hospital!