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In broad-spectrum, normal flora are not invasive and do not usually cause disease. They occupy niches that supply their requirements for nutrients, oxygen and space to reproduce. They may provide some benefits in unknown vitamins, or some discomfort as they produce gas from undigested food.

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14y ago
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14y ago

"Normal flora" refers to the natural state of having microorganisms living on the human body, on the skin and in every body orifice (opening). Normal flora as a phrase distinguishes these types of normal microorganisms from those that would be considered abnormal; a pathologist would expect to find certain microorganisms in certain areas of the body, but not in other areas. For example, it is expected that E-Coli is found in the intestines and rectum, and if a person does not wash the organism can be found around the anus after a bowel movement. But E-Coli should not be located in a swab taken from the mouth or from the vagina--- it would have to be introduced into those areas by some other action. For example, some very young children eat feces so then, they would introduce E-Coli into the mouth. When normal flora is moved to places where they do not usually live, or when the body's Ph balance is disrupted, the microorganism can flourish and become a pathogen which then causes infection.

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9y ago

One benefit of normal flora in the large intestine is the flora helps fight bacteria that might cause illness or pain. The large intestine has a very important job to do to maintain good health.

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15y ago

they might kill the bacteria in your body that belong there and when the good bacteria are dead it might cause diarrhea or other things

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What is another term for normal flora?

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Does usual flora mean normal flora?

Yes, usual flora, normal flora, and typical flora are all normal results.

How do you use flora in a sentence?

Flora is the term used to refer to plant life or plants. An example sentence would be: She loves to study flora.

What is the normal flora of CSF?

there ara no microbial normal flora in the csf

Why normal flora does not make any problem?

You said that in your answer too. As the flora is normal, there is no harm

Can you prevent getting disease in normal flora?

Normal flora cannot cause a "disease". But if normal flora is disrupted it can become a pathogen and then cause infection. Some diseases, like diabetes, can disrupt normal flora and cause infection, especially yeast infections on the skin or in the vagina of women.

What type is more difficult to remove between normal flora and transient bacteria?

normal flora

What are the microorganisms that live inside your body but do not produce diseases are called?

there are many types but the general term used is that those bacteria are your normal flora but these bacteria though they are non pathogenic to you can be to someone else

What is the value of skin flora?

In general, your "normal" skin flora protect you from "rogue" flora which might do you harm.

How does resident normal flora protect the body against pathogens?

how does residental normal flora protect the body against pathogens

Is virus a normal flora?


Can normal flora become opportunistic pathogens?

Yes, normal microbial flora can become virulent or pathogenic if the conditions are right. On outside of body normal flora is harmless, if it was to be ingested it would take the opportunity to do as much damage as possible.