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We need to familiarize because this is very important in this topic . And also it gives a know about them.

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Q: Why is there a need to familiarize yourselves with morphology of fishes?
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What class does 95 percent of fish belong to?

chondrichthyes and osteichthyes are the two classes of gnathostomata where fishes also lies

What makes fish float?

Fish float in water due to their buoyancy. Their bodies are less dense than the water they displace, so they are able to stay afloat. Additionally, fish have swim bladders, air-filled organs that help them control their buoyancy and maintain their position in the water column.

What is the advantage for oviparous fishes to lay many eggs and for viviparous eggs to lay only a few?

Oviparous fishes lay many eggs to increase the chances of offspring survival, as only a few may actually develop into adults. Viviparous fishes invest more energy in developing fewer offspring to ensure their survival by providing them with nutrients and protection during gestation. This leads to a higher likelihood of offspring reaching maturity compared to oviparous fishes.

Why do fish need a stream lined body?

fish need to be more streamlined than land mammals because they need to be able to stream quickly through water. They need to be able to do this for many reasons such as to either catch their prey (if they are large carniverous fish) or escape from their predator.

Why do fish need to descend or rise to different water levels?

Fish need to descend or rise to different water levels to regulate their buoyancy, avoid predators, find food, or locate suitable spawning or breeding grounds. By moving to different depths, fish can adjust their position in the water column to meet their specific biological needs.

Related questions

Why we need to familiarize yourselves in fish morphology?

so that we will know where they come from

How can you put familiarize in a sentence?

I need time to familiarize myself with the new software before I can use it efficiently.

What sentence has the word familiarize in it?

I need to familiarize myself with the new software before I can start using it efficiently.

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A Life

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Just so you can prove yourselves worthy.

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Thats what i need to know :(

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Fish need oxygen to live.

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Are you serious? you need to get yourselves a pregnancy test