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Because the tilt of the earth is way from the sun so the USA is face up to the sun so we get more direct sunlight so we have longer days because there is more distance to cross before the sun goes down.
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In the northern hemisphere shadows would be longer in mid day in December compared with June because of the tilt of the Earth on it's axis.

PS in the Southern Hemisphere shadows would be shorter in December compared with June.

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14y ago

The Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees on its orbit around the sun. That's why we have different seasons as the declination of the sun changes 23.5 degrees on each sides of the equator.

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Q: Why is there more hours of sunlight on a day in June than on a day in December?
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Does the northern hemisphere have more daylight hours on December 21st or June 21st?

On June 21st.

In the northern hemisphere why do periods of daylight get longer between late December and late June?

In the northern hemisphere, the tilt of the Earth's axis causes sunlight to hit the region more directly as it moves towards the summer solstice in late June. This angle of sunlight increases the length of daytime hours and results in longer periods of daylight.

How does the length of daylight change from Summer to Winter?

Well. June 21st or June 22nd every year is the longest day (most hours of sunlight), and December 21st or 22nd every year is the longest night (least hours of sunlight). So there is a 'shortening' of the period of light per day from June to December, and this reverses from December to June.

How much sunlight does the deciduous forest get a year?

The coniferous forest receives a lot of sunlight each year. Combined with the high rainfall amounts, plants find it the perfect climate in which to thrive. In some areas, the forest can have as much as 18 hours of sunlight per day.

What is the longest daylight day of the year in the US?

It's commonly referred to as "Mid-Summers Night Eve" or "The Summer Solstice" and it usually happens on or around the 21st of June. This is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. From this day on the days get shorter and the nights longer until the Winter Solstice which is the other way around; the shortest day and the longest night of the year after which the days start getting longer and nights shorter.

Related questions

Does June have more sunlight hours than September?

Yes, it does.

Why does Caribou have more hours of sunlight in June than Miami?


Does the northern hemisphere have more daylight hours on December 21st or June 21st?

On June 21st.

Is it true or false that fairbanks Alaska has more hours of daylight in June than Miami Florida?

True, Fairbanks on average has 20+ hours of sunlight in June, Miami has roughly 13.5 hours of light.

Why does Antarctica has 24 hours a day in June and a night in December?

Your question is more about sunrise and sunset. Every day every where on earth lasts 24 hours. In June, the sun does not rise, and in December the sun does not set -- generally, during each 24-hour period.

What is the average sunlight hours for Perth in summer?

Perth, Australia, typically receives around 11-12 hours of sunlight per day during the summer months (December to February). This high level of sunlight is one of the reasons why Perth enjoys a warm and sunny climate during this time of year.

When Daylight Saving Time ends will the sun rise earlier- Will it be brighter earlier anddarker earlier?

NO. The sun is out for the most hours a day on June 21st. & for the fewest hours a day on December 21st. After December 21st. each day gets a little longer with sunlight thru June 21st. After June 21st. each day gets shorter thru December 21st. & repeats this cycle every year.The time you see on a clock has nothing to do with how many hours in a day the sun is out.

When do we have more hours od sunlight?

in summer

In December which hemisphere receives more sunlight?

The southern hemisphere receives more sunlight during December As the earth's axis tilted to about 22.5°. The southern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun.

Does Florida or Michigan have longer daylight in the summer?

Florida being closer to the equator would mean that they have slightly longer daylight hours in the summer based on the angle of the earth toward the sun. Michigan gets more daylight during the summer since it is farther from the equator and closer to the Arctic Circle, north of which there is no sunset on the day of the summer solstice. On June 21, Detroit has about 15¼ hours of sunlight while Miami has only about 13 3/4 hours of sunlight. Consequently, on December 21, Detroit has about 9 hours of sunlight while Miami has about 10½ hours of sunlight.

Which of the earths poles gets more sunlight in December?

south pole

During which month does the northern half of the earth get the least sunlight?

This is impossible to answer without a location. In general days are shortest in December and January in the Northern Hemisphere, and June and July in the southern. However, days are not always sunny. That depends on the weather patterns in specific places. You would need to look at weather records for the place in which you are interested.