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Animals are chemoheterotrophic organisms. They obtain energy and carbon through other organisms.

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Q: Why is there no chloroplasts in animal cells?
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Do animal and plant cells contain chloroplasts?

Animal cells do not have.Plant cells have chloroplasts.

Do a plant or animal cells contains a chloroplasts?

okay, animal cells don't have chloroplasts!! only plant cells do!! chloroplasts give the plant its green color!!

Are Chloroplasts fogbound in animal cells or plant cells?

Chloroplasts are found in plant cells, not animal cells.

Is there chloroplasts in animal cells?

There is NO chloroplasts in animal cells. There is only in plant cells because chloroplasts give plants there green color.

Why does an animal cell have chloroplasts?

Chloroplasts are found only in plant cells, not in animal cells.

What does chloroplasts do for a animal cell?

Nothing, chloroplasts are not found in animal cells.

What type of cells contain chloroplasts?

Only plant cells contain chloroplasts. NOT animal cells...

Why don't animal cell need chloroplasts?

Animal cells are not capable of photosynthesis hence these cells lack chloroplasts. We can also put it this way, that since animal cells lack chloroplasts, these are not capable of photosynthesis.

What type of plant cell lack chlorophyll?

Animal cells do not have chloroplasts. Most prokaryotic cells also do not have chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are always present in plant cells.

Are chloroplasts always found in animal cells?

No,chloroplasts are only found in animal cells

What is the chloroplast animal cell?

Chloroplasts are not in animal cells. They are in plant cells

Do animals have a chloroplasts?

No. Animal cells lack chloroplasts.