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Antarctica is the most pollution-free continent on earth. The air is so clear that humans used to judging distances through polluted air cannot judge distance in Antarctica. For example, mountain peaks that are 30 miles away appear to these humans, to be about 70 miles away.
Antarctica is the least polluted continent on earth. In fact, there is so little particulate in the air, that there is no indoor dust.

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There is so little pollution in the air over Antarctica, that human distance estimations learned on other continents is vastly compromised. This means that objects in the distance appear closer than they really are.

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8y ago

Antarctica is the least polluted continent on earth.

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How much water in Antarctica gets polluted each year?

Antarctica has strict regulations in place to prevent pollution, and any pollution that occurs is typically minimal. However, some pollution can still occur due to research activities, waste disposal, and fuel spills. The exact amount of water pollution in Antarctica each year is not readily available, but efforts are continuously made to minimize environmental impact in the region.

How polluted is antarctica?

well its not very polluted but it does have global warming

Is antarctica polluted?


Why is water so easily polluted?

Water is so easily polluted because of ground seepage. Water that is not needed in the ground will runoff into streams. If the ground has chemicals that would harm the stream or lake, the water is then polluted.

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The most easily polluted groundwater reservoirs are water table confined aquifers.

Why is all the ice white in Antarctica?

There is no particulate in Antarctica: it is the least polluted continent on earth. This explains the extreme white of the ice.

How much pollution is in Antarctica?

Very little. Antarctica is the least polluted continent on earth. In fact, the air is so clear there, that humans are unable to accurately visualize distances based on estimating habits formed on other continents.

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Do human beings get affected by pollution in Antarctica?

Antarctica is the least polluted continent on earth. Humans who live and work there temporarily generally benefit from this pollution-free living experience.

What is the purpose for wearing brightly colored clothing in Antarctica?

So if someone were to get injured, aircraft would spot them easily.

What rhymes with convoluted?

so polluted

How polluted is Sweden?

its is so difficult to answer your question admin?!!! for me?!!! only here in the phils. are facing to pollution...but if we will help each other to solve this we can easily solve these problem thank you