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Underwater exploration is important because it helps us better understand our oceans and marine life, discover new species, study underwater ecosystems, and uncover historical shipwrecks. This knowledge is crucial for conservation efforts, resource management, and advancing our understanding of Earth's biodiversity.

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Q: Why is underwater exploration important?
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What piece of evidence in this paragraph supports one Cousteau and reasons for ocean exploration?

The mention of Cousteau's invention of the Aqua-Lung in the paragraph supports his role and reasons for ocean exploration. The Aqua-Lung revolutionized underwater diving, allowing divers to explore the ocean depths with more freedom and autonomy. This invention reflects Cousteau's commitment to advancing ocean exploration and knowledge.

What have scientist discovered on the ocean floor using state-of-the-art technology?

Scientists have discovered new deep-sea ecosystems, hydrothermal vents, underwater volcanoes, sunken ships, and hidden species using state-of-the-art technology such as deep-sea submersibles, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). These advancements have allowed for the mapping of underwater topography, exploration of marine biodiversity, and understanding of geological processes on the ocean floor.

What is a sentence using the word exploration?

The exploration of the remote forest has uncovered three new tribes and fourteen new species of animals.Underwater exploration has still failed to find any evidence of the Loch Ness Monster.

What did scientist find at the ocean floor?

Scientists have discovered a variety of things at the ocean floor, including new species of marine life, underwater volcanoes, hydrothermal vents, and deep-sea trenches. They have also found evidence of ancient civilizations, shipwrecks, and valuable resources like oil and minerals. Exploration of the ocean floor continues to reveal new and exciting discoveries about our planet's underwater world.

How has ocean exploration increased human understanding of aquatic ecosystems?

Ocean exploration has allowed scientists to study diverse habitats and species in underwater ecosystems, leading to discoveries of new species and complex interacting networks. It has also provided insights into the impacts of human activities, such as pollution and climate change, on aquatic life. By exploring the oceans, researchers have been able to assess the health of marine ecosystems and develop conservation efforts to protect these valuable habitats.

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How are submarines used today?

Submarines todaee are used for underwater exploration,funn,new life underwater.

The underwater edge of a continent?

The underwater edge of a continent is called the continental shelf. It is the shallow, submerged extension of a continent that extends from the shoreline to the continental slope. The continental shelf is rich in marine life and is important for fishing and oil exploration.

Why was sonar important?

Sonar was important for detecting underwater objects, such as submarines or shoals, by transmitting sound waves and listening for the echoes. This technology was particularly crucial during wartime for naval operations and underwater exploration. Additionally, sonar helped in mapping the ocean floor and studying marine life.

What author written space travel underwater exploration?

Jules Verne

Where is the Underwater Historical Exploration Company Ltd in Fort Myers Florida located?

The address of the Underwater Historical Exploration Company Ltd is: 1411 Whiskey Creek Dr, Fort Myers, FL 33919

What was phileppe cousteau's father's legacy?

Jacques Cousteau was a pioneer in underwater exploration. He also helped develop the aqualung for breathing underwater.

Why is deep exploration and data collection difficult?

Deep-sea exploration and data collection is difficult because of the underwater fish that are dangerous.

Why is deep-sea exploration and data collection difficult?

Deep-sea exploration and data collection is difficult because of the underwater fish that are dangerous.

Why are most ROVs tethered?

im trying to find the same answer bro, are you in gr 8 science?

What has the author Farooq Hussain written?

Farooq Hussain has written: 'Living underwater' -- subject(s): Manned undersea research stations, Marine resources, Underwater exploration

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