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Q: Why is wind power solar power and geothermal power considered renewable?
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Give three more examples of renewable energy resources?

Renewable energy! Solar energy, wind power, hydro power and Geothermal power. Hope i helped:)

What is one renewable source of energy?

One renewable source of energy is solar energy. You can get solar energy from using solar panels. The Renewable Sources of Energy are: Solar Power Hydro Electricity Wind Power Biomass Geothermal

What are four examples of Renewable Resorces?

Solar Energy Tidal Power Geothermal Energy Wind Power

Is geothermal a renewable or nonrenewable?

geothermal energy is a renewable energy source: similar to wind, solar, etc.

What is a reneweble resource?

Renewable resources can be replenished once they have been depleted. Some examples of common renewable resources are solar power, wind power, and geothermal power.

What is reneweble resource?

Renewable resources can be replenished once they have been depleted. Some examples of common renewable resources are solar power, wind power, and geothermal power.

Is solar power a renewable resource?

Yes solar power is considered to be a renewable resource because the sun rays don't run out.

What are atcually renewable source of energy?

there are so many renewable energys but i can say some: solar energy, hydro power, geothermal energy........

Is solar heat or solar electricity renewable?

The meaning of renewable is the ability to be replenished. Solar power is considered renewable energy since there is an abundance of it and the power emitted by the sun is never ending.

10 renewable resources?

They include: Tidal Power, Wave Power, Solar Power, Wind Power, Hydroelectricity, Radiant Energy, Geothermal Power, Biomass, Compressed Natural Gas and Nuclear Power. There are many sources of energy that are renewable and considered to be environmentally friendly and harness natural processes.

What are three types of green energy?

Solar Power, Wind Power and Geothermal are three different types of green (renewable) energy.

Can you name all the non renewable things and renewable things?

Non-renewable: Oil, Nuclear power, Coal and Natural gas. Renewable: Geothermal power, Hydroelectric power, Solar power, Biomass fuel, Wind turbines, Bio fuel and Wave turbines.