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If our skeleton was made up of one bone we wouldn't be able to move at all, or virtually do anything that we can do.

If our skeleton was made up of one bone we wouldn't be able to move at all, or virtually do anything that we can do.

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11h ago

Having a skeleton made up of multiple bones allows for more flexibility and movement. Different bones have different functions and shapes, allowing them to work together to support the body and facilitate various movements. This design provides strength, protection, and adaptability to the skeletal system.

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15y ago

Let me answer your question with another question. If it was, how would you move?

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Q: Why isn't your skeleton made up of one bone?
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Which bone is part of the axial skeleton?

trunk and head region are axial skeleton there are several bones one of the "humerus"bone which is present in arm.

How much skeletons are in a human body?

Usually just the one. The skeleton refers to the entire bone structure, made up of 206 bones.

How many bones in the upper arm are there?

The Upper Arm is made of one bone, the Humerus. There are therefore 2 Humerus bones in any mammalian skeleton.

How many bones in a dogfish shark?

Sharks are cartilaginous fish. The term "cartilaginous fish" means that the structure of the animal's body is formed of cartilage, instead of bone. A shark does not have one bone in it's body. It's skeleton is made up of cartilage. Cartilage is a tough material, like the material that shaped your ear.

The human skeleton is an what skeleton?

Humans have endoskeletons, which means their skeletons are contained within their bodies, and mostly made of bones. This is in contrast to exoskeletons, which are the outer shelling of the creature and made of more flexible material.

What bone in the head is a symbol of Halloween?

The skull is one symbol of Halloween but so is the entire skeleton.

What is one possible consequence of hypervitaminosis of vitamin A?

One possible consequence of Hypervitaminosis A is reduced bone density that can lead to osteoporosis.

What sort of skeleton does a toad have?

One made of bones.

How many breast bones are there in the body?

A mammalian skeleton contains just one breast bone, it is called the sternum.

What is the tearm meaning of bone?

The hard, calcified tissue of the skeleton of vertebrate animals, consisting very largely of calcic carbonate, calcic phosphate, and gelatine; as, blood and bone., One of the pieces or parts of an animal skeleton; as, a rib or a thigh bone; a bone of the arm or leg; also, any fragment of bony substance. (pl.) The frame or skeleton of the body., Anything made of bone, as a bobbin for weaving bone lace., Two or four pieces of bone held between the fingers and struck together to make a kind of music., Dice., Whalebone; hence, a piece of whalebone or of steel for a corset., Fig.: The framework of anything., To withdraw bones from the flesh of, as in cookery., To put whalebone into; as, to bone stays., To fertilize with bone., To steal; to take possession of., To sight along an object or set of objects, to see if it or they be level or in line, as in carpentry, masonry, and surveying.

Smallest bone of human skeleton?

The stape is the smallest bone in the human head. It is also the smallest bone in the human body.

What type of skeleton does a dogfish have?

yes, but not the same kind as you are used to. Sharks (or dogfish) have cartilagenous skeletons rather than skeletons of bone.