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Q: Why it is easy to push a sharpened pencil into the soil?
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Is soil easy to hold?

depends on how chunky it is. chunky soil will stick to itself and make it easy to hold.

How does water moves in the soil?

the currents push it downstream

How does the root cap assist in the growth of root?

The root cap protects the meristem which is the dividing part of the root, it allows the root to push forward into the soil without endangering the meristem. the cells also produce a 'slime' the allows easy movement through the soil.

Plant building materials are?

soil,camera,notebook,pencil,container,seeds,fertilzer,water, and sunlight.

Is sandy soil easy to dig?

yes it is

How do earthworms grind soil?

their bodies are like a wave. when they dig the push the soil out of the way. for more info look on

Why is clay soil preferred to make pots and toys?

This soil is preferred to make pots and toys as it is not like mud and it is easy to dig and easy to work with.

How do you plant tomato seeds?

easy put the seed in the soil and plant easy peesy

What is a roller regarding lawn care?

A roller is a heavy piece of equipment that is used to flatten the soil and push rocks down into the soil.

What kind of soil did the Ancient Egyptians have?

They had black rich soil which made it easy to grow crops and plants.