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because, it evaporates quicker than any other solid or liquid

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Q: Why its difficult to store gases than solids or liquids?
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How do you store solids?

Solids are easier to store than either liquids or gases. You can put them on a shelf, or in a box, or on the floor, and so forth. We have lots of options.

Why is it difficult to store gases in a fixed place?


Can inert gases be stored with oxidizing gases?

An inert gas is one that won't react with other gases. You can store inert gases with any other gases - oxygen (an oxidizing gas) and argon (an inert gas) are commonly stored together in industrial settings.

What are pressure vessels designed to hold?

A pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at pressures substantially different from ambient pressures. The pressure vessels need to keep the liquids and gases at a pressure where they can be stored properly since the outside pressure of the atmosphere might not be able to properly store the gas or liquid.

How do you keep or stored gases?

We store gases in fat bumbs

Why you can't store gases in open containers?

Gases can't be stored in open containers because the gas will escape into the atmosphere. Gases have the tendency to occupy all the space that is available to them. If I have to explain it i would tell you to imagine molecules as small children who love huge spaces so that they can run around, gas molecules are exactly that.

What is the uses of Gas bottle?

to store gases

Can you store Nitrogen and argon?

Inert gases are compatible with all other gases and may be stored together.

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What is the use of a gas syringe in science?

To collect, store and measure gases.

In chemistry what container do you store gases in?

leak proof metal cylinders

Why is it easier to store propane and butane as liquids?

Because is a very important reduction of the volume !