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Latent heat is required to be input to turn a solid to a liquid, or a liquid to a gas, and the reverse is true the other way. Thus when water is evaporated to water vapor, a fixed amount of heat must be supplied per kg of water evaporated, and similarly when water vapor condenses, the same amount of heat per kg is released. You can look up values of latent heat per kg in reference tables for different substances.

Specific heat is not relevant to the phase change itself, as the phase change is isothermal (ie at a constant temperature). Specific heat is a way of defining for a substance how much heat is needed to change its temperature by one degree, relative to water which has a specific heat of 1, because we define the heat unit, calorie, as the heat required to raise 1 gram of water by 1 degC. Thus for other substances you take the specific heat (which will be quoted as a number relative to 1) and multiply by the change in temperature and the mass of substance to get the heat quantity in calories. Note that in SI units you will use kilograms rather than grams, the answer will then be in kilocalories which is a more useful quantity. In nutrition, when 'calories' are quoted, these are in fact kilocalories.

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15y ago
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1w ago

Latent heat is needed to change a substance from solid to liquid because it helps break the intermolecular forces holding the solid structure together. This energy is used to weaken the bonds between molecules and convert the substance from a solid state to a liquid state, without changing the temperature.

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11y ago

In any solid substance, there are chemical bonds between the atoms and molecules of which the substance is composed, that hold it together. In order to make this solid into a liquid, you have to break those bonds, and that requires energy, which is the latent heat.

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12y ago

Latent heat is the energy that is required to be put in to (or taken out of) a system of a certain mass, to make a change of state in the system.

It is defined as L = Q/M, where Q is the energy required and M the mass being heated.

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12y ago

yes, at melting point or boiling point. Latent heat is the heat where the temperature remains constant but there is a change in state. For example, when water boils, water continues to gain heat but the temperature remains constant. This is called the latent heat of vaporization.

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11y ago

to break the bonds between compounds as the matter of the solids are hardly packed...

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Q: Why latent heat is needed to change substance from solid to liquid?
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Latent heat is the energy required for 1 kg of a substance to change?

Latent heat is the energy required for 1 kg of a substance to change ___________. phase

What is the difference between latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vapourization?

Latent heat of fusion is the energy required to change a substance from solid to liquid at its melting point, while latent heat of vaporization is the energy required to change a substance from liquid to gas at its boiling point. Both represent the energy needed to change the state of a substance without changing its temperature.

What is the difference between heat of fusion and heat of vaporization?

The heat of fusion is the amount of energy required to change a substance from solid to liquid at its melting point, while the heat of vaporization is the amount of energy required to change a substance from liquid to gas at its boiling point. In other words, heat of fusion deals with solid to liquid phase change, while heat of vaporization deals with liquid to gas phase change.

What information does the latent heat of vaporization give?

The energy needed to completely vaporize a mole of a liquid

What is the heat energy needed to change a liquid to gas while the temperature stays the same?

The heat energy needed to change a liquid to gas while the temperature stays the same is called the heat of vaporization. This energy is used to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the liquid molecules together and convert them into a gas. It is a phase change process that occurs at the boiling point of the substance.

Related questions

Latent heat is the energy required for 1 kg of a substance to change?

Latent heat is the energy required for 1 kg of a substance to change ___________. phase

What is the difference between latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vapourization?

Latent heat of fusion is the energy required to change a substance from solid to liquid at its melting point, while latent heat of vaporization is the energy required to change a substance from liquid to gas at its boiling point. Both represent the energy needed to change the state of a substance without changing its temperature.

Define latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vapourisation?

Latent heat of fusion is the amount of heat energy required to change a substance from a solid to a liquid at its melting point. Latent heat of vaporization is the amount of heat energy needed to change a substance from a liquid to a gas at its boiling point.

Energy needed to change a material from solid to liquid?

It is the latent heat of liquefaction.

What are the factors that affect specific latent heat of fusion of a substance?

The factors that affect the specific latent heat of fusion of a substance include the type of material, its molecular structure, and intermolecular forces. The purity of the substance and any impurities present can also affect the specific latent heat of fusion. Additionally, temperature and pressure can influence the specific latent heat of fusion as well.

What is the name of the energy needed to change a substance from a liquid to a gas?

The energy needed to change a substance from a liquid to a gas is called heat of vaporization.

What does the latent heat of vaporization represent?

The amount of energy required to turn a mole of a liquid into a gas

What is the name of heat energy that changes ice into water and water into steam?

Latent heat is the measurement of energy needed to change the state of a substance at its melting point or boiling point. The latent heat of fusion of water is the amount of energy needed to change a fixed amount of water from a solid to liquid at 0 degrees C. this works out to be more than 800KJ of heat energy. The latent heat of vaporization of water is the amount of energy needed to change a fixed amount of water from a liquid to a gas at 100 degrees C. this is more than 1200KJ of heat needed to be absorbed.

What is the definition for latent heat of melting?

The amount of heat released / absorbed from a substance at constant temperature as you change state from liquid->solid / solid->liquid.

What is the heat energy needed to change a liquid to gas while the temperature stays the same?

The heat energy needed to change a liquid to gas while the temperature stays the same is called the heat of vaporization. This energy is used to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the liquid molecules together and convert them into a gas. It is a phase change process that occurs at the boiling point of the substance.

What is the amount of heat needed to change 1 kg of a specific material from liquid to vapor at a constant temperature?


Energy needed to change a material from solid to liquid 3 WORDS?

Heat of Fusion