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Becuase of the sizes shapes and properties

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1w ago

Carbon is unique because it can form stable bonds with other carbon atoms, as well as with a variety of other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. This versatility allows carbon to form a wide range of compounds with varying structures and properties, leading to the existence of a large number of carbon-based compounds.

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13y ago

Because carbon has four valence electrons, it can form more covalent bonds in a variety of ways.

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Q: Why more compounds can be made from carbon than from most other elements?
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What elements are in rayon?

Rayon is a man-made fiber created from cellulose extracted from wood pulp. The primary elements in rayon are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

What are substances made of?

The fingernails are made of hardened cells of the epidermis, your outer skin layer. The cells have keratinized into a hardened, scalelike covering to protect the tips of your fingers, and the edges help you to pick up small objects.

How many things in the world are not made up of elements?

Everything in the world is made up of elements, as elements are the building blocks of all matter. However, not all matter is made up of atoms, as there are other forms of matter such as dark matter and antimatter which do not fit the traditional atomic structure.

How can there be so many different kinds of substances in the world?

Different substances exist due to variations in the combinations of elements and molecules, as well as the way they interact and bond with each other. Elements combine in different ratios and structures to create a wide range of substances with unique properties and functions. This diversity is what allows for the vast array of materials and compounds we observe in the world.

Explain why elements and compounds are pure substances while a homogeneous mixture is not?

Elements and compounds are pure substances because they are made up of only one type of atom or molecule, respectively. Homogeneous mixtures, on the other hand, contain a combination of different substances that are not chemically bonded and can be separated by physical means, making them impure compared to elements and compounds.

Related questions

Made from elements other than carbon?

Silicon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and metals are examples of elements that can be used to create compounds other than carbon-based ones. The properties and uses of these compounds vary widely depending on the specific elements involved.

How are elements and compounds connected?

Elements are substances made up of only one type of atom, while compounds are substances made up of two or more different types of atoms chemically bonded together. Compounds are formed when elements chemically combine and bond with each other in specific ratios to create a new substance with unique properties. Elements are the building blocks of compounds, as compounds are composed of elements.

Are elements made out of compounds?

No, the other way around. Kind of. Elements are made of compounds of atoms.

What are the elements in a chocolate?

The main elements in chocolate are cocoa solids, cocoa butter, sugar, and sometimes milk solids. Additional ingredients can include flavorings such as vanilla and emulsifiers such as lecithin.

Inorganic compounds are usually mad from elements other than what?

Inorganic compounds - usually made from elements other than

Can mixtures be made of elements and compounds?

Yes look at air it has oxygen and nitrogen(elements) and carbon dioxide(compound)

The millions of compounds that exist are made from approximately how many elements?

The millions of compounds that exist are made from approximately 115 elements!

Millions of organic compounds are made from approximately how many elements?

You can make most organic compounds with just 4 elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.

What elements are essential to life what are their chemical symbols?

Every living being is made of organic compounds. All the organic compounds contain carbon and hydrogen. Other than that, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur are present in them.

How do elements relate to compounds?

Chemical compounds are formed from chemical elements.

A substance made of elements other than carbon?

A substance made from elements other than Carbon? Another way of asking this question might be 'Can you name some compounds that do not include Carbon?' There are many: Sulphur Dioxide, Iron Oxide, Calcium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Potassium Permanganate, Silicon Dioxide,...

What is Carbon Hydrogen and Oxygen made from?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen are elements and so they are made of themselves.