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Q: Why most influenced Darwin's idea that some offspring are better suited to survival than others?
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Darwin noticed that birds were good At finding scarce food in the winter had a better chance of surviving and producing offspring what did he call this struggle fir existence?

Survival of the fittest / natural selection

Can learning be defined as survival of the fittest Why or why not?

yes because you need to know what uyou are being taught to move on in life. also the better you do in school the better you are farther on in life.

Darwin noticed that birds that were good at finding scarce food in the winter had a better chance of surviving and producing offspring. What did he call this struggle for existence?


An animal that reproduces sexually may survive a hostile environment better than an animal that reproduces asexually because sexual reproduction?

increases genetic diversity, allowing for a better chance of producing offspring with advantageous traits to adapt to the changing environment. It also helps in combating parasites and diseases effectively through recombination of genes.

What were the main points of Charles Darwin's famous book?

charles darwin wrote a book called "on the origin of species by means of natural selection" in it he tried to explain that in any population there are individuals that will be better at surviving then others because they may have better characteristics and therefore do better than those who do not have an advantageous characteristic. those who do better and survive will reproduce more and then they will produce more offspring with the trait. so, the traits will become increasingly common. his four major points are listed below:inherited variation exists result of mutations and errorsmore likely to survive natural selectionadvantageous traits will spread and become commonfossil evidence and other sources of evolutioni hope this helps.... it is your choice if you chose to accept..... parts are a little far-fetched for me though but these are the facts from my class im taking. dont forget that darwins book has been under careful study by scientists and it has now been updated a tad. hoping this helps you :P

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Why are stronger traits passed down to offspring?

So that the offspring have a better chance of survival. these traits are often chosen through natural selection.

What is parent offspring?

Parent-offspring refers to the relationship between an individual organism and its direct offspring, such as a mother and her child in human terms. This relationship often involves caring for and providing resources to ensure the survival and well-being of the offspring. Parental care is common in many species and plays a crucial role in the reproductive success and survival of offspring.

Is Sexual or asexual reproduction better for a rapidly changing environment?

Sexual. Sex allows for more variation in offspring thus increasing the chances for survival.

What difference will give some individuals a better chance of survival?

It depends on survival of what. Surviving chances after an illness or operation are mostly influenced by someone's age (preferably: young) and general condition (healthy, trained, non-smoker etc.).

Why do genetically different offspring have a better chance of survival than genetically?

Genetically different offspring have a better chance of survival because they are less likely to be affected by the same adverse environmental conditions or diseases. Their genetic diversity allows for a wider range of adaptability and resilience, increasing the likelihood that at least some of the offspring will have traits that are beneficial in the face of changing conditions. This genetic variation also helps maintain a healthy population by reducing the risk of inbreeding and the associated negative effects on fitness.

How do snails change their sex?

Sexual reproduction allows the organisms to combine DNA and produce offspring that may have better survival traits than either one of the parents. Even if an organism has both male and female organs, it is better for future offspring to combine these traits and try to produce a superior organism instead of just copying the DNA that is already there.

What is the difference between helpful and harmful mutation?

a beneficial mutation in an animal, plant, cell or bacteria will allow it to have a better chance of survival and allow it to continue passing on its DNA in its offspring. a harmful mutation does the exact opposite it hinders the animals survival and will eventually lead it's species to extinction.

Darwin noticed that birds were good At finding scarce food in the winter had a better chance of surviving and producing offspring what did he call this struggle fir existence?

Survival of the fittest / natural selection

What is the phrase used to describe when some organisms are better adapted to their environment than other organisms and they are more likely to survive and reproduce?

The phrase used to describe this concept is "survival of the fittest," which is based on the idea of natural selection proposed by Charles Darwin. Organisms that are better adapted to their environment have a higher likelihood of surviving and passing on their advantageous traits to their offspring.

Who is a better offspring?

If mother and father are geographically situated in two different regions and if they do not have any blood relationship, then there is a good chance of getting a better offspring.

What is an example of an organism that reproduces sexually and explain the diversity of their offspring?

An example of an organism that reproduces sexually is a red fox. When red foxes reproduce sexually, they exchange genetic material with a partner, leading to offspring with a wide range of genetic variations. This diversity in offspring helps them adapt to different environments and challenges, giving them a better chance of survival in changing conditions.

Are adults or children given a better chance for survival from lymphoma?

The survival rate among children is definitely better than among older people.