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Because that's extra waste in our body that we need to get rid of.

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Q: Why must all organisms carry out metabolism?
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What do all living organisms need to carry on life functions?

All living organisms use energy to carry out daily functions

The sum of all chemical reactions in an organism is?

The total of all chemical reactions that occur in an organism is called the organisms metabolism. Metabolism allows organisms to grow, reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to environment.

What is the total of all chemical reactions in an organisms called?

metabolic rate

Why is homeostasis particularly important to single-celled organisms?

it's important for single felled organisms to maintain homeostasis because they must be able to carry out all the functions necessary for life

The sum totalof all the chemical prosses that take place in living organisms is called?

The sum total of all chemical processes in living organisms is called metabolism. Metabolism involves all the processes that generate energy and maintain essential functions necessary for life, such as growth, reproduction, and response to the environment. It can be divided into anabolism (building up molecules) and catabolism (breaking down molecules).

What life processes do all living things carry out?

Metabolism, reproduction, and adaptation.

All of the chemical reactions that occur within organisms are characterized by what property of life?


The fact that all organisms have the same basic metabolism was discovered through?

The fact that all organisms have the same basic metabolism was discovered through research and comparison of biochemical pathways in different organisms. Scientists have identified commonalities in fundamental biological processes, such as glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and ATP production, which are universally present in all living organisms. This knowledge has advanced our understanding of the unity of life and evolution.

Why is metabolism a characteristics of all living organisms?

Because it determines how much an animal must eat, therefore also determining it's impact on the food chain, energy pyramid, etc.

Which cell function is similar in all organisms?

no because there are different types of organisms that function differently

In order to use the Hardy-Weinberg equation to calculate genetic variation in a population which of the following conditions must exist in the population?

All organisms must reproduce.

What life activities do all organisms have to carry on to be considered alive?

All organisms must carry out essential life activities such as obtaining and using energy, responding to stimuli, growing and developing, reproducing, maintaining homeostasis, and evolving. These activities are fundamental for sustaining life and ensuring survival of the organism.