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  • why nitrogen form compound with alkaline earth metal
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Florine Wiza

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Q: Why nitrogen forms compound with alkaline earth metal directly?
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Why nitrogen form compounds with alkaline earth metal's?

why nitrogen form compound with alkaline earth metal

Can we use pure nitrogen gas as a nutrient?

No, not directly. There are bacteria that can fix Nitrogen out of the air and make it available as a nutrient but Nitrogen has to be in a compound form for it to be useful to most of the living things on Earth.

An alkaline earth metal forms a compound with oxygen with the formula?

The formula would be MO. (M representing any of the Alkaline earth metals)

Are alkaline earth metals found in nature?

Alkaline earth metals are found in nature only in mineral or compound forms, due to their high reactivity.

Is Be a compound or an element?

Beryllium (Be) is an element. It is part of the alkaline earth metals.

What must happen for nitrogen to become an ion?

Reacting Nitrogen Gas with Alkali or Alkaline earth Metals form trivalent N3- ions.

What is the ionic compound name for Sr?

Strontium forms an ionic compound with non-metals by giving away its two outer electrons to form the Sr²⁺ cation, so its ionic compound name would be strontium(II).

What is a compound that contains an alkaline earth metal?

There is an almost unlimited array of different alkaline compounds, but the question acs for one, so that is Uranyl Chloride (Cl2H202U).

Is metal a electron lender?

Yes, metals are electron donors, meaning they tend to lose electrons to form positively charged ions. This is why metals are good conductors of electricity, as they have mobile electrons that can move throughout the material.

What must happen for an ion to happen?

Reacting Nitrogen Gas with Alkali or Alkaline earth Metals form trivalent N3- ions.

Elements in group 2 are called?

Elements in group 2 are called alkaline earth metals. They include beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. They have two valence electrons and are relatively reactive.

What is group 2A elements known as?

Alkaline Earth Metals