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Groups are made according to the properties of elements. Noble gasses have similar properties. So they comes in the same group.

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9y ago

Noble gases have complete octet. They are kept in same group-18.

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Is a noble gas the same as a halogen?

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no. chlorine is a halogen (a group 17 element) and not a noble gas (a group 18 element). However chloride ion will have the same electronic configuration as the noble gas, argon

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The noble gas that comes before iodine is krypton.

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The noble gas that comes before bromine is argon.

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Neon is the second in the Noble Gases group or Group XVIII (18)

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group 18

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Chlorine is not a member of noble gas group. It belongs to halogen family.

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Argon is in the group of noble gases on the periodic table.

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Helium is a noble gas and the other noble gases are neon, krypton, xenon, argon and radon.

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