

Why nuclear power is clean?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Why nuclear power is clean?
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Why do environmentalists oppose the operation of a nuclear power plant?

Because its is inexpensive and clean power

Is nuclear power the most dangerous source of power?

No it is relatively clean if handled properly

What is South- Africa's standing or position on nuclear power?

I would definitely say it's a supporter of nuclear power for clean electricity production only.

Why was Nuclear Power Invented?

To have a clean, easy, and cheap way to generate energy.

Should you still use nuclear power?

Nuclear power is very good source of energy to turn to. The only problem is the storage of nuclear waste, that is left over after the nuclear reaction the power plant. The energy obtained from the nuclear power plant is very clean burning and more KJ/mole energy.

Why would you want a scientist working on a nuclear power plant?

Governments want scientists to work on a nuclear power plant to lessen the dependence of fossil fuels. The product of nuclear power plants are atomic energy, a clean energy alternative.

What are the dangers of nuclear power and weapons?

Nuclear power has no dangers. It is the opposite. Nuclear energy is a clean source for power production. It is even cleaner than solar energy. Power generation from nuclear energy is cheaper than that produced from solar, wind, gas, oil, and wind energy sources. Nuclear radiation from nuclear power plants is 100 times less than nuclear radiation from coal fired power plants. Nuclear weapons are of mass destruction nature due to emitted nuclear radiation, heat, and pressure air waves.

Does nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy?

Only if you don't consider the cost to the future.

How nuclear power is bad?

Nuclear power is actually a good, clean renewable energy source. The only negative is that if the reactor malfunctions or it breaks down, it will cause a hazardous pollutant that can cause cancer.

How does nuclear energy clean the air?

Nuclear energy doesn't really clean the air. What it doesdo is allow us to generate some of the electric power we need without producing any greenhouse gasses the way coal, oil or gas fired power plants do.

Are you opposed to nuclear power?

No, nuclear power is a decent source of energy, depending upon the reactor design and siting. Locating reactors over fault lines or near ocean shore lines seems unwise.

Why is nuclear energy not clean?

Nuclear energy is clean. It is the cleanest source of energy we have.