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Oxygen is more electronegative in water molecules because it has a higher affinity for electrons compared to hydrogen. This causes the oxygen atom in a water molecule to attract the shared electrons in the O-H bonds closer to itself, resulting in a partial negative charge on the oxygen atom and a partial positive charge on the hydrogen atoms.

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Q: Why oxygen is more electronegative in case of water molecules?
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What is the solute and solvent in oxygen in water?

In the case of oxygen dissolved in water, oxygen is the solute and water is the solvent. Oxygen molecules are dispersed (dissolved) in water, which acts as the medium in which the oxygen molecules are distributed uniformly.

Why higher alcohols are insoluble in water and lower alcohols are soluble in water?

Higher alcohols have larger non-polar hydrocarbon chains that are less able to interact with the polar water molecules, making them insoluble in water. Lower alcohols like ethanol have shorter hydrocarbon chains that can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, allowing them to dissolve in water.

What chemical bond is involved with the formation of water molecules?

A covalent bond is involved in the formation of water molecules. It is a type of bond where electrons are shared between atoms, in the case of water, between one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

Do hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up water be an example of a homogeneous mixture?

No, hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water do not create a homogeneous mixture. A homogeneous mixture is one where the components are evenly distributed at a molecular level, which is not the case in water where hydrogen and oxygen atoms combine to form water molecules.

A balloon contains 7.36 g of oxygen gas (O2). How many oxygen molecules are in the balloon?

To find the number of oxygen molecules in the balloon, you can first calculate the number of moles of O2 using its molar mass (32 g/mol). Then, use Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol) to convert moles to molecules. In this case, the balloon contains approximately 1.15 x 10^23 oxygen molecules.

Related questions

What is the solute and solvent in oxygen in water?

In the case of oxygen dissolved in water, oxygen is the solute and water is the solvent. Oxygen molecules are dispersed (dissolved) in water, which acts as the medium in which the oxygen molecules are distributed uniformly.

Is formation of water from its element physical change?

No, the formation of water from its elements (hydrogen and oxygen) is a chemical change because new substances with different properties are formed. In this case, a chemical reaction occurs between hydrogen and oxygen molecules to produce water molecules.

Why higher alcohols are insoluble in water and lower alcohols are soluble in water?

Higher alcohols have larger non-polar hydrocarbon chains that are less able to interact with the polar water molecules, making them insoluble in water. Lower alcohols like ethanol have shorter hydrocarbon chains that can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, allowing them to dissolve in water.

Is H2 a hydrogen bond?

No, H2 is not considered a hydrogen bond. A hydrogen bond occurs when a hydrogen atom is covalently bonded to an electronegative atom like oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine, and forms an electrostatic interaction with another electronegative atom. In the case of H2, there is no electronegative atom involved in the bond formation.

What chemical bond is involved with the formation of water molecules?

A covalent bond is involved in the formation of water molecules. It is a type of bond where electrons are shared between atoms, in the case of water, between one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

How does get put back into the air?

Oxygen is a "waste" byproduct of photosynthesis. Plants use sunlight to combine water and carbon dioxide into sugar and "excess" oxygen molecules, which is then released into the atmosphere (or ocean, in the case of algae).

Does KF form hydrogen bonding?

No, potassium fluoride (KF) does not form hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding typically occurs between a hydrogen atom bonded to a highly electronegative atom (such as oxygen or nitrogen) and another electronegative atom. In the case of KF, the bond formed is an ionic bond between potassium and fluoride ions.

Why the water is not inflammable as hydrogen and oxygen are highly inflammable?

I think you mean flammable, not inflammable. Because combustion is reaction of electronegative oxidizer such as oxygen and electropositive fuel such as hydrogen into a compound such as water. Water is not flammable because the combustion is complete.

What elements contain hydrogen?

Strong polar attractions between molecules involving H, F, O, and N ~APEX

What is a water molecules composed of?

One oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms

Do hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up water be an example of a homogeneous mixture?

No, hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water do not create a homogeneous mixture. A homogeneous mixture is one where the components are evenly distributed at a molecular level, which is not the case in water where hydrogen and oxygen atoms combine to form water molecules.

Is oxygen reactants or products?

That question can be answered as either. It depends what the reaction is that you are performing. Oxygen in the case of producing iron oxide (rust) by the well know process of oxidation, it is a reactant along with iron. But in such a case of electrolysis, the process of splitting water molecules by sending an electrical current through it, oxygen and hydrogen are the products of the decomposition of water. So it really depends whether you are making a compound or decomposing one.