

Why oxygen is placed in group 6?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Why oxygen is placed in group 6?
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What is the group is oxygen in?

Group 6

Where is oxygen placed in the periodic table?

Oxygen is at the top of Group 16. It has an atomic number of 8.

What group is the element oxygen in?

Group 6

How can you say group number of oxygen is 16?

Umm... Why can't you? That is what IUPAC has decreed!The history behind the recently accepted IUPAC labelling of the elements is that there was an ambiguity in the older VI A/VI B label -- chromium was sometimes placed in group VI A and sometimes in group VI B, while selenium was placed in the opposite one. It was also unfortunate that iron, cobalt, and nickel were all placed in group VIII.When it was decided that selenium belonged in group 16 and chromium in group 6, it became obvious that oxygen and sulfur should be placed in group 16, because they have more points of similarity with selenium than with chromium.

What is oxygens group number?

Oxygen is a non-metal in the group 6A of the periodic table.

Why does an element have the atomic number of 8?

Oxygen has atomic number 8. It is placed in group-16.

What is the group number for Lanthanides and Actinides?

Rare Earth elements or lanthanides are placed in the period 6 of the periodic table of Mendeleev. Actinoids are placed in the period 7 of the periodic table of Mendeleev.

How is oxygen different from other elements of group 6?

At room temperature, oxygen is a gas.

Is Se a alkaline metal?

No. It belongs to group 6 or oxygen family

Does the oxygen element belong to specific group?

Yes, it belongs to group 6 in the periodic table and its a gas

Why is barium placed in group two and period six?

This is because Barium has 2 valence electrons, which gives it group 2, and because it has 6 energy leves which puts it in group 6.

Which group contains whose atoms have six electrons in their outer level?

Group 16 (group 6A)