

Why people say santa don't exist?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Because at the end of the day people have opinion and they have a choice weather to believe in Santa or not to, and people might say to you that they don't believe in Santa because they feel embarrassed to admit that they do believe in Santa and some of my friends do this because they get scared in case they are going to get bullied by saying that they don't believe in him or maybe their friends don't believe in Santa so they pretend that they don't believe in Santa but they do ...

i believe in him tho and i think people who don't believe in him are stupid

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to most pathetic children who think santa isnt real.. even if you dont belive in him i do. SANTA IS REAL. no matter what you say you can not change my mind aout santa. if you do belivein santa dont listen to them IDIOTS. Shelbe x

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They are just lying. You will not get cole. Santa may be checking his list. And if you have been bad once he will still give you presents. See your parents might not have very much money. If you dont believe in santa then where do the presents come from? They come from santa. BELIEVE AND RECIEVE!!!!!

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Papai Noel

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There is definitely a real santa Claus, people say that santa doesn't come and parents SAY santa isn't real but the reason that they say th at is because santa doesn't come to t hen because they say he's not real so HE IS REAL !

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