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Phylum Pterophyta includes things such as ferns, which are fully functioning plants with leaves. Phylum Lycophyta includes things like mosses, which are less advanced than ferns.

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Q: Why phylum pterophyta has advanced characteristics than phylum lycophyta?
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Lycopodiophyta. "Division" is just another word for phylum, when used with plants, if that was confusing you.

What are some characteristics of phylum pterophyta?

Pterophyta, or ferns, are nonflowering vascular plants characterized by roots, stems, and leaves. They reproduce through spores and have a lifecycle with two distinct phases: the sporophyte and gametophyte. Ferns typically have large, compound leaves with well-defined leaf veins.

How do scientists classify a vacular plant with no seed?

Pterophyta ( Ferns ) is one phylum. A vascular seedles plant.

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Phylum Bryophyta, which includes mosses, liverworts, and hornworts, is eaten by various herbivores such as snails, slugs, insects, and some small mammals. These organisms feed on bryophytes as part of their diet.

What phylum does a plant with an underground stem that bears roots and and leaves called fronds fall into?

The plant you're describing belongs to the phylum Pteridophyta. This phylum includes ferns, which have underground stems (rhizomes) that bear roots and fronds (leaves).

What phyla do ferns belong to?

Ferns belong to the phylum Pteridophyta, which is a diverse group of vascular plants that reproduce via spores rather than seeds.

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What are major characteristics of the phylum?

some of the major characteristics of the phylum are a shared body plan, embryonic development patterns, and specific molecular sequences.

What are the main characteristics of Phylum Coelenterata?

Your life.

What are things that can be classified by there characteristics called?


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Can an organism have more then one phylum?

No, each organism is classified into only one phylum based on its structural and genetic characteristics. The phylum is a higher taxonomic rank that groups organisms based on shared characteristics.