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Q: Why potassium is not used in preparation of hydrogen?
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What salt is formed when aluminium reacts with potassium hydroxide during preparation of hydrogen from alkali's?

Aluminium chloride

Why are soaps basic?

Sodium and potassium hydroxides are used in the preparation of soaps.

What catalysis used for making hydrogen?

For example iron oxides can be used as catalysts for the preparation of hydrogen from methane.

Why is HNO3 not used in preparation of hydrogen gas?

because it does not last

What is K2HPO4 as an ionic compound?

AnswerPotassium dihydrogen phosphate

What yields potassium hydroxide hydrogen?

"Potassium hydroxide hydrogen" is meaningless.

Is Hydrogen the most common resource?

i think hydrogen is some what common we just don't know it. Hydrogen is used as a fuel. It is used for the manufacturing of fertilizers. It is used in the preparation of vegetable ghee. It is used as rocket fuel. It is used in the preparation of ammonia (NH3) and methanol (CH3OH). It is used in the preparation of oxy-hydrogen flame which is used in welding due to production of high temperature. It is used in filling weather balloons. It is used to prepare tungsten filament. It is used to prepare low temperature in liquid state.

Can potassium chloride be prepared from zinc and hydrogen chloride?

No, reacting zinc with hydrogen chloride will yield zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. Potassium chloride can be prepared by reacting potassium with hydrogen chloride or (more safely) potassium hydroxide with hydrogen chloride.

What does potassium oxygen and hydrogen equal?

Potassium, hydrogen, and oxygen will form a compound called potassium hydroxide, KOH.

Potassium iodide is used in what?

- potassium iodide is added to table salt as a source of iodine- potassium iodide is a food supplement during a nuclear accident in a nuclear reactor- for the preparation of AgI

Which two elements are contained in all hydroxides?

Potassium Hydroxide - KOH - Potassium, Oxygen and Hydrogen

Why is the addition of concentrated sulfuric acid to solid potassium iodide unsuitable for the preparation of hydrogen iodide?

The iodide ions will be oxidised to idodine and the product is contaminated by sulphur compounds.