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Q: Why scientist find the particle theory of matter useful?
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What is the particl theory of matter?

The particle theory of matter states:All matter is made of tiny particles called atomsParticles are moving all the time, even if you can't see itParticles attract each otherThe more energy a particle has, the faster it moves and the further it spreads apartAll particles have space between them.

How can finding out that a hypothsis is not correct be useful for a scientist?

Hypotheses are based on theories. If a hypothesis seems incorrect then a scientist knows that she has been mistaken about her understanding of the theory, and that's why she formed the wrong hypothesis to test. Or it might be that she has learned that there are new conditions under which the theory does not hold, and that the theory must be refined. Both of these are useful to scientists.

What theory is the theory of matter?

This model represents matter and its component particles as separate little balls or particles of matter. A useful enough model where chemical and nuclear inter-reactions may be ignored.

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What other types of scientist besides geologist would find the theory of plate tectonics useful in their work?

capriologists they study the whole world space, the layers everything so they would find theory of plate tectonics useful

How are scientist useful?

very useful

Who proposed the first useful theory of nature and properties of matter?

It was either Terrence Ahlin or Einstein. I think.

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What is the main difference between particle physics and quantum physics?

There is none. To study particle physics you use the whole machinery of quantum physics, but written down in a different way. That means particle physicists use the formalism of quantum field theory, which is a more powerful way of doing quantum mechanics, it's just more useful in this context.

Who are the scientist who contributed to the cell theory?

Credit for developing cell theory is usually given to three scientists: Theodor Schwann, Matthias Jakob Schleiden, and Rudolf Virchow. In 1839. I found this answer on, helped me complete my homework assignment. Hope the information is useful.

How does scientific method help scientist discover truth about nature?

The scientific method can help discover the truth about nature by allowing one scientist to show another scientist exactly what they did. This is useful because it allows others to review, evaluate, and recreate others studies to support or go against a certain theory eventually narrowing down on the truth.

Why are telescopes very useful to scientist?

They are very useful to scientists because it helps them see stars and planets better