

Why shadow is black in color?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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11y ago

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there are some preticullar properties of different colours. like all colours, black colour also has its own property it is, it absorbs colours so, when the white light i.e. when it touches a person, it turns into black (like when white light enters prism,it turns into 7) colours and absorbs other colours, and the shadow formed is of black colour.

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I do but i do not like the color (black)

Do shadow have color?

well shadow is black and at the back of his hair theres red thanck you sonic fans

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black and white lol

Does shadow have color?

No. Color is the reflection of light and shadows are areas where light does not reflect off of an object. The dark area you see is the area where light, and there for color, is not present. Simply stated, a shadow does not have color. On a side note: black is not a color, it is the absence of color.

Does your shadow have color?

No. Color is the reflection of light and shadows are areas where light does not reflect off of an object. The dark area you see is the area where light, and there for color, is not present. Simply stated, a shadow does not have color. On a side note: black is not a color, it is the absence of color.

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Black red and white with gold rings near the top

What does shadow from sonic look like in color?

the black and blue are very closet with the whit (silver) and i think sonic and shadow and silver are brothers

What color eye shadow should you wear if you have black hair and hazel eyes?

gray or mauve.

Why is shadow the hedghog black?

It makes sense. Shadow is black, so Shadow the Hedgehog is black.

When using the word shadows do you use 's or s' apostrophe?

S-apostrophe is used when the word which you are making possessive is plural. Apostrophe-s is used when the word you are making possessive is singular. for example: There are 5 shadows here, and they are all black. The shadows' color is black. There is only 1 shadow here, and it is black. The shadow's color is black.

Do shadows come in different colours?

You can certainly have a shadow that is another color besides gray. Gray or black shadows are produced when bright white light shines onto something. If you use a different color of light, you can get a different shade to the shadow. Also, you can use different lenses to look at the light and shadow, and that will change the color.

What is shadow the hedgehog's favorite color?

he likes anything that is boring like: black, gray, and white.