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Because we ourselves need forgiveness for what we do wrong - from the people to whom that wrong has been directed, and from God. We cannot hope to have forgiveness if we ourselves are not ready to forgive others. Jesus explained that we should always treat others how we ourselves would like to be treated - in other words, love your neighbour as you would love yourself. Imagine doing something terribly wrong. So wrong that you are ashamed of what you did and the person that you wronged was bitter and condemning of you - and rightly so. Now imagine that many years later you were a reformed character, you did many good things, gave to charity and so on and you suddenly met that person again - the one whom you wronged so many years ago. Now imagine that person still bitterly condemning you for something that had occurred many years before, at a time that you were a different person in character and outlook. How would you feel? Would you now feel hard done by because that person had still a huge issue with the behaviour of a person that you 'left behind' all those years ago? This illustrates why forgiveness is such an important thing. If one forgives from the heart, it means that relationships that have been broken heal much more quickly, the forgiven person feels so much better and can reform more quickly, and, believe it or not, the person who forgives actually feels too a great weight lifted off them - they are no longer weighed down with bitterness and hate. In the US there is a show called 'Jerry Springer', and in the UK there is a similar show called 'Jeremy Kyle' where members of the public air their family problems in the studio. One only has to look here to see where a lack of forgiveness can take a family that was once close. On one episode recently there was a family whose members had not spoken to each other for many years - father was at odds with daughter, mother against son, son against his sister, and the couple estranged. Aunts and uncles were also at loggerheads because they had taken sides condemning some members and being in cahoots with others. They all hated each other with a venomous hate, and the bitterness ran deep. But when questioned no one could remember the initial cause of the family breakdown - it had gone into their family history and no one could give the real reasons why they hated each other - they just did hate each other because they did. After realising this, only when each member of that family forgave each other for past wrongs - and meant it - that reconciliation could take place and the family could become one loving unit once more. As a result the mother and father were reunited, and they even welcomed into their hearts grandchildren that they not only had not met before, but didn't even know existed - because of the rift that was between them and their children. They are now part of their lives - imagine the effect that that had on the children - to have loving grandparents for the first time in their lives. Such is the power of forgiveness.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Forgiving someone is important because do you want to spend your whole life holding a grudge on someone ? I don't think so... You want to be a good person don't you ? Most people do it because they don't want to be mad at someone forever and soon enough you regret it and want to forgive in the end but it becomes to late. Most people are good people so they don't stay mad at someone forever.

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12y ago

Christians are admonished:

Luke 6:37New International Version (NIV)

Judging Others

37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

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15y ago

You should forgive with love, but never forget. (never forget meaning don't allow the same thing to happen again)

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8y ago

Emotionally and mentally ... by carrying around non forgiveness you are carrying around hate and it only destroys u and not them

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12y ago

Because of you forgive

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Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

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Some things are more forgivable than others. In general, you will get along with people better and you will be more cheerful if you forgive people when possible. There are some things that are too serious to forgive, but even then, it is healthier to avoid dwelling on anger and resentment. So, there could be people whom you should avoid, who have proven that they are not good for you to associate with. But you should be able to avoid them and get on with your life, rather than being obsessed with the harm that these people did to you.

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If you truley care about someone then you will find it in your heart to forgive him. Which you should. If we don't forgive then we are no better then those that commited the offense.

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yes u should always forgive and forget

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forgive. (although i must say this is easier said than done.) Also, they say forgive & forget, but seriously, although you can forgive, who will really forget? dont bother wasting time on people who dont waste time on you

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It depends on what they did. If you feel you want to then maybe they should. If you forgive them and want to give them another chance then you should.

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depends on the person but in islam we believe that we should forgive people and not hold grudges

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If you can forgive your sister, you can forgive your boyfriend. It doesn't necessarily mean that you should stay with your boyfriend. Cheating is cheating and if that is not acceptable to you, you should find someone who will respect that wish.

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Any forgiveness the Nazis would seek would be from the people that they wronged, not from people reading about it seventy years later.

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