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Because electricity does not pass through rubber. So they can not get electrocuted.

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Q: Why should an electrician wear rubber gloves while repairing electric switch?
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What does an electrician work with?

I would hope that he or she is wearing rubber gloves. Electricity, 120 or 240, doesn't transmit through rubber. It can. But it's rare.

Why do electricians wear rubber gloves when working on electric line?

Electricians wear rubber gloves when working on electric lines, to prevent contact with a live wire, which may give an electric shock.

Why do people use rubber gloves when using electric garden tools?

cos rubber is an insulator and will protect you

What type of gloves prevent you from getting electric shock?

i dont know you mangie.

Why does a person wear rubber gloves while handling electric wires?

To prevent being shocked. Rubber is an insulator, and keeps electricity from flowing from the wire to you.

Why does electricians wear gloves?

because its safer and you cannot get harmed :)

Are rubber gloves really made of rubber?

Yes Indeed Rubber gloves are made out of a substance called rubber.

What is the difference between the Latex Gloves and Rubber Gloves?

its called latex gloves and the other glove is called rubber

Why do electricians use gloves and rubber shoes?

electricity cant pass through rubber, so if one aprt of your body is insulated against it, the chances of electric shock are small

Why do electrician shoes with thick rubber soles?

The thick rubber soles prevent the electrician getting a shock, as it stops the charge from going through the electrician's body to earth.

List the items which are made up of rubber and are used by us?

list of items made of rubber

Why do electrician wear a special shoes with thick rubber soles?

The thick rubber soles prevent the electrician getting a shock, as it stops the charge from going through the electrician's body to earth.