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Q: Why should kids learn about new places?
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Why should kids work together?

Kids should work together to learn new ideas and be sociable

How can you find your girl?

Well that depends on the type of girl you want to find, but you should exolore new places and learn new faces

Why do you have classrooms?

So kids can learn new stuff

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this is a good way of getting answers specially so school kids who have a chance to learn new things

Kids are so cool?

What I find cool about kids is their innocence and amazement when they discover and learn new things.

What is great about traveling?

It is fun and exciting to visit new places and learn new things.

Where can you learn to dance hiphop style in New York?

There are lots of places where someone can learn to dance hip-hop style in New York. Some of these places include; alvinailey, Dance School of New York, and YouTube.

What games do kids have an advantage in over their parents?

They can learn new thing from them and we can have entertainment with them.

Do all kids learn?

Yes. In some countries, kids don't go to school that much, but even so, they still learn new things. For example, one day they may learn what their mom's favorite color is, and the next day they may learn how to sew.

How many hours should kids have?

kid should read at least 2 hour so they could do well on their teset.and lived long and strong. and have less t.v and more knowledge. and read for all th pireod. so they could learn some thing new. and learn new words. and intring fact when you read

How can you learn language for free?

You can learn a language for free by using language learning apps like Duolingo or Memrise, watching free tutorials on YouTube, finding language exchange partners on websites like, and practicing with free resources like language learning websites and podcasts.

The problem of phonem schools Prague school American school?

school is place for not only kids but adults too, to learn new things and get an education. school is also were again not just kids but adults too go and learn and improve new and more strategies. It is important to go to school to learn and improve these and those new strategies.