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Hunting should be banned because a lot of animals are getting endangered and right now it is happening even though we need some for food. My opinion is it should be banned all over the world.


Hunting shouldn't be banned. While the above answer said that animals were becoming endangered, typical game animals (deer, turkey, etc.) are actually overpopulated. Even safari animals (lions, cape buffalo, elephants, etc.) are regulated as to make sure that there are enough. No animal has ever become extinct because of sport hunting. Also, most people think hunting should be banned because animals are killed. Well, you should outlaw walking, too, because every time you take a step, you kill 2,000,000,000 living things.

Now, I don't agree with the hunters who just sit in a tree and shoot everything that moves. That isn't hunting. Real hunters track animals, and carefully select which one they kill, and make sure the animal doesn't suffer. They then use every part of the animal, which is more than can be said for any commercial food company. I hunt the way I stated above, yet every day, I must defend myself from people who say I'm Satan for hunting.


I do not believe that this is a question anyone has a right to claim they have the absolutely right opinion.

As a hunter, it does seem to me that the vast majority of arguments used by anti-hunters are emotional rather than being based on scientific or proven fact, but this is only my opinion. I would never suggest, without proof, that it is the only possible or right opinion.

This is not to say that all hunters' arguments are always correct either, for example, I believe "Jeenius man" forgot about the passenger pigeon which I believe was hunted to extinction! The buffalo also came close.

I hope that we have become wiser since the passenger pigeon, but seeing how we keep forgetting the lessons of previous wars, maybe this is a bit naive?

I do believe that, in addition to emotional arguments which are personal and can never be right or wrong, there are many scientifically sound reasons to support hunting, including the fact that natural methods of control of wildlife populations, specifically predation and starvation, have been reduced by human activities. As such, hunting is an important part of management of wildlife populations.

Some thoughts to consider before you make up your own mind:

  • In every area for which I have seen statistics, the number cause for reductions in wildlife populations attributable to human activities is loss of habitat (urban sprawl).
  • The number two cause is traffic accidents, which not only kill or injure the animal but also people, as well as having an economic cost.
  • A decision on whether to hunt, eat game or eat meat is personal. I have the greatest respect for anyone who has chosen to be a vegetarian because of his
  • Convictions, but does this give him the right to impose his views on others?

Why hunting should be banned:

Hunting has been involved in black markets and such, and animals have also been hunted till extinction, like the passenger pigeon. The common fox is now endangered due to over-hunting.

Traps such as the steel jaw trap can so painful that the animal chews its limbs off. In some cases, a predator of the animal comes to attack the animal and the poor creature will have nowhere to run because of the fact that its leg is trapped.


As a hunter, I think hunting should not be banned because animals such as deer and turkey are overpopulated.


I believe that only those who are not extremists on either side of this argument should be the ones with input. Not naturalists or die-hard hunters. Nevertheless, the future of any animal should not be decided by the sheer pleasure of hunting, or by the overwhelming need to dissent from any opinion. I am a vegetarian myself and am against killing animals, however this matter should only be solved by science alone and what it tells us to do. It is true that overpopulation may begin to ride into our community life, but nature created disease for the purpose of maintaining stasis in the ecosystem. There is no right or wrong to this answer. We must continue to further the sentience of our species by sheer fact and understand that some things can't be helped.


Hunting for sports should be banned. Animal are not toys to play with. They have their young ones to care for like us. God forbid if anyone wants to hunt human beings for sports. I think people should imagine what its like and how painful it would be if we were the ones being hunted down almost every single day. It could lead to extinction.


All have different opinions and they are not going to change anything. Hunting existed before the pilgrims, and it keeps the animal population down so people don't get into car accidents from animals roaming. Do you see how many animals die from cars? Do you ever think about that? Some people are just rude, and do you know how many people kill animals from chopping down trees? Think about the big stuff that's happening now.


Well my first reason is because it leads to extinction. My second reason is because it is not fair.
i personally think that hunting should be band because it hurts animal

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Whales are not needed for food, only to make money for humans, and if poaching or hunting of whales is not stopped they will one day be extinct. Many do not realize that whales helps our ecosystem by reducing carbon in the atmosphere. Whales consumes large amounts of plankton and phytoplankton. Without whales, our oceans would be full of these organisms, and that would dangerously cause an imbalance in our ecosystem.

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Because whales are very endangered! Only about a million are left!

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because its not good to hurt animals

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