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Sometimes when cooking either meat or fish, if you do not cook meat properly, bacteria that could be infectious to humans could still be on the meat, and when ingested could cause serious implications for humans :)

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12y ago
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12y ago

Becaus improper handling and cooking can cause the food to go bad, making anyone who eats it sick.

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9y ago

Cooking food properly is good for a variety of reasons. Among these reasons, it will prevent getting sick.

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Q: Why is it important to make sure food is handled and cooked properly?
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Why is it important to check if your food is cooked propely?

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If the food is handled and cooked properly, you should get some pretty good nutrition from the food. If you choose to eat it while still frozen, you could break some teeth or get a brain-freeze. If it was supposed to be cooked before eating but it isn't cooked before you eat it, you could become ill.

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Why should food be properly cooked?

well would you want to eat a raw steak?