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allowing water to touch the foil will make the foil to retained some water, thereby give a false or inaccurate result

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2w ago

Allowing water to contact the foil cap while you're cooling the flask could cause the water to seep into the flask and contaminate the substance. This can alter the concentration of the substance and affect the accuracy of your results. Additionally, it can be dangerous if the substance reacts violently with water.

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Q: Why should you not allow water to contact the foil cap while you are cooling the flask and vapor with running water?
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Faster cooling rates tend to produce smaller copper sulfate crystals, as they do not have enough time to grow larger. Slower cooling rates allow for more time for crystal growth, resulting in larger crystals. The size of crystals formed is often dependent on the rate at which the solution cools.

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In Hazchem, "harmful" refers to substances that may cause skin irritation, eye damage, or respiratory issues upon contact or exposure. These substances should be handled with care and appropriate protective measures to avoid harmful effects on human health or the environment.

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You should use a flask that is a good insulator or poor conductor of heat to keep the tea warm. This will prevent heat from escaping the flask and help maintain the temperature of the tea for a longer period of time.

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The small crystals likely formed due to rapid cooling of the molten rock or solution from which the mineral precipitated. This rapid cooling did not allow enough time for the crystals to grow larger, resulting in the formation of small crystals.

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No, electrical insulators do not conduct electricity, so they do not allow for the flow of electric charge through them. However, it is possible to induce a charge on the surface of an insulator by bringing it in contact with a charged object.

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