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A D cell battery supplies nominally 1.5V. Connecting a 6V supply in it's place would supply an extra 4.5V and could potentially damage the circuit components.

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Q: Why should you not connect a 6 V battery into a circuit that requires a D cell?
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Should you connect both ends of a battery to a circuit?


Should you connect both ends of a battery in to a circuit?

The circuit won't do anything until both terminals of the battery are connected to the correct [two different] points in the circuit. As long as either terminal of the battery remains disconnected, the circuit is "OFF".

Should you connect both ends of a battery in a circuit?

Yes, both ends of a battery should be connected in a circuit to create a continuous flow of electric current. When one end of the battery is connected to one terminal of a component and the other end to the other terminal, a closed circuit is formed, allowing electricity to flow and power the device.

Which car battery post should you connect first?

You should connect and disconnect the negative post first. This way, if your tool touches ground when you work on the positive post, you don't short circuit the battery.

Should AC circuits go to or from positive battery terminal?

You would never connect any part of an AC circuit to a battery.

How can you change a closed circuit to a open circuit?

u need a battery 2 wires and a light bulb. Step 1. Get the 2 wires and connect them to the battery step 2. connect the other side at the bottom of the light bulb the light bulb should light if it doesn't :(

How to change a open circuit to a closed circuit?

u need a battery 2 wires and a light bulb. Step 1. Get the 2 wires and connect them to the battery step 2. connect the other side at the bottom of the light bulb the light bulb should light if it doesn't :(

What will happen after you make an Electric Circuit?

If you connect the circuit properly the bulb should light up. That means attaching the left side of the battery to the right side of the bulb using a wire and attaching the right side of the battery to the left side of the bulb. If you do that the your bulb should turn on. If it doesn't then try changing the battery or the bulb.

How should you connect the battery to the car?

Connect the negative cable first.

What happens when the car battery connectors connect together?

When a car battery in connected to itself (i.e. You connect jumper cables onto a battery and then connect the other two connectors to each other), you create a continual circuit with the battery and nothing else. A similar effect is when you hold a 9 Volt battery to your tongue and you feel a small but continual "zap". Imagine this effect, but much greater. Sparks will appear when the connectors are first connected. Warning: Do not do this. This will damage your car battery. The only reason you should connect a car battery through jumper cables is to connect it to another car's battery in order to "jump" a car.

Which terminal is red on a battery?

We generally connect the red wire to the positiveterminal of a battery. The black is connected to the negative terminal. Naturally, no wiring connections should be attempted until a thorough understanding of the circuit being worked on has been made.

Where do you connect the white wire from the shunt breaker?

Connect to the circuit neutral wire which should also be white.