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because the speed is the tang ina

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Q: Why sound travels in different speed in different materials?
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Sound travels the slowest through which of these?

The speed of sound in a material is dependent on several factors. Basically it travels through denser materials at a different rate than rarefied materials, through compressible materials at a different rate than incompressible materials, and through stiffer materials at a different rate than nonrigid materials. A slower velocity of sound would be noted in a dense, compressible nonrigid material.

Relate the speed of sound to different mediums?

The denser the medium, the faster sound travels in it.

The sound travels at the speed of light to your ear?

No, not quite. The sound travels at the speed of sound to your ear.

Which of the following types of waves travels at a different speed through different materials?

light waves

What speed does sound travel through a gas?

Sound travels through each medium (and each gas) at different velocities.In air, sound travels at an approximate speed of 330 m/s.Factors such as temperature and humidity also affect the speed of sound.

The speed of sound varies when?

sound travels faster or slower depending on the medium it is moving through and the temperature of the medium :]

Does sound travels faster downwind than upwind?

Sound travels faster downwind. The speed at which sound travels is relative to the medium it is moving through. When sound is traveling upwind, you subtract the wind speed from the speed of sound. When it is traveling down wind you add the wind speed.

What is the speed of thhe sound?

It is different in different conditions. Generally it has 340ms-1 as the speed.

What is the fact of medium on the speed of sound?

Sound travels at different speeds depending on the medium. Sound will travel the fastest through solids.

What happens to a Harrier when it travels faster than the speed of sound?

There are different variations of Harriers in service, the fastest has a top speed of 735mph(.96mach) slower than the speed of sound.

How is the speed of sound affected by medium it travels through?

Sound is affected by the media. It travels high speed in solids generally.

Why does sound travel at different speeds?

The speed of sound depends on the medium through which the sound travels.