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if you were cheating on your spouse...would you tell them?!?! "Honey I'm cheating on you," says he/she. Doesn't sound good!

So they don't get caught and yelled at! duh!

People lie to protect themselves. People lie to protect those they care about. People lie to keep from losing a person or things they would rather keep. People lie because it's easier than dealing with the truth.

both answers are true and valid...even though I put the first answer
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sometimes a girl or boy lies to hide the truth because they think after knowing it to their partner they will leave them.

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Q: Why spouse would lie constantly?
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Maybe. It would depend on whether it really was a lie or whether it just felt like a lie, and what the lie was about. For example, if the spouse lied about his name, it could be grounds for annulment. If the spouse lied about a prior relationship, it would not.

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When you lie to your spouse you run the risk of destroying the trust that you have built up. If you lose trust the relationship can be damaged beyond repair. If may take years to earn the trust back, even then you may never be able to.

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because they dont wanna get caught cheating on u so ha hA

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What to do when you find out your marriage is a lie?

You have several options: -Work to make truth out of it, usually through good communications with your spouse and/or marital counseling -End the lie quickly (and often, sadly) with a divorce. -Keep living with a lie.

If you lie about your divorce to get married is that a crime?

The crime is that you have not actually divorced (and the spouse is still alive) and then got married to a second person. The lie? Not so much. Bigamy is illegal.

What are the odds of saving your marriage?

If the spouse does not constantly cheat and made one mistake by having an affair then talking it out in a calm manner and facing how you both can improve upon the marriage may save the marriage or, you both could go to marriage counseling to learn tools to deal with every day life's stresses. If the spouse is constantly cheating; may be on drugs or abuses alcohol or is constantly verbally or physically harmful to their spouse it is best to move on. There is a good rate of successful marriages if one spouse has only had one affair if the couple decide to make it work. 'To err is human.'

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