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they are both invertebrates

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Q: Why structures do mollusks have in common?
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What physical structure is found in all mollusks?

It is actually only three common structures since not all mollusks have shells. Here it is: Head- structure that contains the mouth, brain and sensory organs Foot- muscular structure that extends from the body and is used for movement Mantle- fleshy tissue that covers and protects the internal organs. It also secretes the shell for most mollusks :) B) =3 -_-

What common features do mollusks have?

they are slick slop and slimy

What muscular body feature that all mollusks have in common?


What common feature do all mollusks have?

they are slick slop and slimy

Are mollusks segmented?

No ......mollusks are not segmented,like insects....just their body is partitioned into head, foot, and visceral hump..........but one can't take it as segmentation.........

Do mollusks and segmented worms share a common ancestor?

Yes these two share common ancestors.

Structures that share a common ancestory or a similar because they are modified versions of structures from a common ancestor are?

Homologous structures.

What evidence indicates that annelids and mollusks are closely related?

Gene based phylogenetic studies indicate that annelids and mollusks share a recent common ancestor

What do mollusks and segmented worms have in common?

wat do all the worms have in common

What is the evidence which shows that mollusks and annelids share a common ancestor?

Mollusks and segmented worms have a one-way digestive system, a separate mouth and anus, and their larvae are very similar. This is the best evidence that they have a common ancestor.

What products are made from mollusks?

There is a wide array of products that are made from mollusks. Some of the common products include pearls, wood adhesive and so much more.