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Permanent hardness is hardness (mineral content) that cannot be removed by boiling. It is usually caused by the presence in the water of calcium and magnesium sulphates or chlorides which become more soluble as the temperature rises.

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Temporary hardness is caused by bicarbonate ions in water, which are converted to carbonate ions upon boiling. These carbonate ions precipitate out of solution, removing the temporary hardness. However, permanent hardness is caused by dissolved calcium and magnesium sulfate or chloride ions, which do not precipitate out upon boiling.

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Q: Why temporary hardness is removed from water by boiling but permanent hardness is not?
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What is the difference between temp hard water and permanent hard water?

Temporary hard water contains bicarbonates that can be removed by boiling, while permanent hard water contains sulfates or chlorides that cannot be removed by boiling. Temporary hardness can be easily treated with boiling or using a water softener, while permanent hardness requires more advanced treatment methods such as ion exchange or reverse osmosis.

What do you mean by hardness of water. how is it classified. mention the disadvantages of using hard water for various purposes?

Hardness of water refers to the concentration of dissolved minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium ions. It is classified as temporary hardness, which can be removed by boiling, and permanent hardness, which requires water softening methods to remove. The disadvantages of using hard water include scale buildup in pipes and appliances, reduced efficiency of soaps and detergents, and potential skin irritation.

Where does temporary colours sit on the hair?

Temporary hair colors, such as spray-on or wash-out dyes, sit on the outer layer of the hair shaft. They do not penetrate the hair cuticle like permanent hair dyes. Temporary colors typically last through a few washes or until the color is deliberately removed.

Are induced dipoles permanent?

Induced dipoles are temporary and not permanent. They are created in nonpolar molecules when they are exposed to an electric field, causing the distribution of electrons to shift temporarily, resulting in the formation of a dipole moment. Once the electric field is removed, the induced dipoles disappear.

Why is diesel fuel removed at the bottom of a distillation tower?

Diesel fuel is removed at the bottom of a distillation tower because it has a higher boiling point compared to lighter fractions like gasoline. In the distillation process, different fractions are separated based on their boiling points, with heavier components collecting at the bottom. This allows for the efficient separation and collection of diesel fuel.

Related questions

What are the two form of hardness found in water?

Hardness in water is usually characterised as temporary or permanent. Both are due to the presence of calcium or magnesium ions. If they are present as the hydrogen carbonate, when the water is boiled this is converted to the carbonate which precipitates out as a solid, leaving water which is no longer hard, so this is called temporary hardness. If they are present as the sulfate the solution is unaffected by boiling, and this is called permanent hardness.

How can temporary hardness of water be removed?

by boiling

What is the difference between temp hard water and permanent hard water?

Temporary hard water contains bicarbonates that can be removed by boiling, while permanent hard water contains sulfates or chlorides that cannot be removed by boiling. Temporary hardness can be easily treated with boiling or using a water softener, while permanent hardness requires more advanced treatment methods such as ion exchange or reverse osmosis.

Do Calcium bicarbonate salts cause hardness to the water?

Yes. it causes temporary hardness of water, which can be generally removed by boiling water.

What is permanent hardness of water?

Temporary Hardness Temporary hardness is hardness that can be removed by boiling or by the addition of lime (calcium hydroxide). It is caused by a combination of calcium ions and bicarbonate ions in the water. By boiling the water, it promotes the formation of carbonate from the bicarbonate and will precipitate calcium carbonate (the limescale) out of solution, leaving water that is less hard after it has cooled. When it has been heated, less carbon dioxide is able to dissolve into the water. Since there is not enough carbon dioxide around, the reaction cannot take place, and therefore the calcium carbonate will not "dissolve" as readily. Instead, the reaction is forced to re-establish equilibrium, and the solid calcium carbonate is formed. Heating water will remove hardness as long as the limescale that precipitates out is removed. After cooling, if enough time passes the water will pick up carbon dioxide from the air and the reaction will again proceed, allowing the calcium carbonate to "redissolve" in the water. Permanent Hardness Permanent hardness is hardness (mineral content) that cannot be removed by boiling. When this is the case, it is usually caused by the presence of calcium and magnesium sulphates and/or chlorides in the water, which become more soluble as the temperature rises. Despite the name, the hardness of the water can be easily removed using a water softener, or ion exchange column.

What other substances cause permanent hardness?

Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of calcium hydrogentrioxocarbonate(IV) which decompose on heating.when this water is heated calcium trioxocarbonate(iv) is form as insoluble and this brings the ca+ out of the solution as precipitate.once the ca+ re out of the solution soap can now lather well.

What is the difference between temporary and permanent fixings?

one can be removed which is temporary and one can not be removed permannent

What causes permanent hardness of water?

Permanent hardness of water is caused by the presence of dissolved calcium sulfate and magnesium sulfate, which cannot be removed through boiling. These minerals form insoluble compounds that remain in the water even after treatment, leading to permanent hardness.

Is a tattoo stencil permanent or temporary?

Temporary. It can be removed with soap and water.

Does semi permanent dye run in the rain?

No it does not. ___________ But temporary color does. It can be removed with just water.

Difference between temporary and permanent fasteners?

My assumption in the word use for temporary and permanent fasteners are regarding an office product you used for filing and organizing folders. Temporary would mean the fastener that can be easily removed from the manila folder and the permanent one is already glued right on to the folder. It cannot be removed unless pulled apart which will tear the folder.

What do you mean by hardness of water. how is it classified. mention the disadvantages of using hard water for various purposes?

Hardness of water refers to the concentration of dissolved minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium ions. It is classified as temporary hardness, which can be removed by boiling, and permanent hardness, which requires water softening methods to remove. The disadvantages of using hard water include scale buildup in pipes and appliances, reduced efficiency of soaps and detergents, and potential skin irritation.