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Bacteria and Viruses are the main objects of study in the field of genetics for two reasons: bacteria are chosen because of their simplicity. Viruses are an interesting area of study because they survive by placing their own genetics into other organisms. This gives rise to the possibility of transplanting foreign and possibly beneficial DNA and RNA into hosts that previously did not have those helpful genes.

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Q: Why the bacteria and viruses are main objects in the genetic?
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What is the main differences between bacteria and viruses?

Easy answer: Bacteria are alive and viruses probably are not.

What are the main differences between a virus and a bacteria which enable scientists to classify them?

Bacteria are single-celled organisms that can replicate themselves. By this, I mean that they have all the genetic material to replicate (DNA & RNA). Viruses, in contrast, contain a piece of genetic material that is encapsulated by a protein coat known as a capsid. Because viruses only have a portion of genetic material, they have to infect a host organism and inject its material into the host and use the host to do the work for the virus. Since bacteria can "live" on its own and viruses cannot, bacterial infections can be treated with medications while viral cannot. In comparison of size, viruses are about 100 times smaller than bacteria. About of 90% of known bacteria live in a symbiotic relationship with humans. This means that the presence of bacteria is beneficial to both the bacteria and humans. In comparison, most viruses feed of the host to produce more viruses... therefore having no benefit to the host.

What are the 5 main microbes?

bacteria viruses fungi protists

What are the four main microbe groups?

Microbes are sorted into these 4 groups: Viruses, Fungi, Bacteria and Protozoa

What are the 3 types of micro organisms?

The three main types of microbes are fungi, bacteria and viruses. Bacteria are usually smaller than fungi and virus is the smallest type of microbe.

Are bacteria microbes?

All bacteria are microbes, but not all microbes are bacteria. Viruses and fungi are the other two main types of microbes, or microorganisms.

What characteristics do scientists use to group viruses?

Viruses can be grouped by their shape, the type of disease they cause, their life cycle, or the kind of genetic material they contain. And, the four main shapes of viruses are: Crystals, Spheres, Cylinders, and Spacecraft.

Both viruses and cells are able to replicate their genetic material What is the main difference in their replication processes?

Viruses require host cells, whereas cells provide their own replication mechanisms.

What are the main groups of microbes?

There are six major groups of microorganisms: Algae, Bacteria, Fungi, Helminths, Protozoa, and Viruses A mnemonic = All Boys Find Help Pronouncing Viruses In my book it says there are 5 Algea , Protazoa , Fungi, Prions and Viruses

What are the main methods and concepts in the field of aerobiology?

Aerobiology is the study of organic particles. Some of the main concepts in aerobiology are bacteria, small insects, pollen grains, as well as viruses.

What are the main features of bacteria and viruses?

characteristic feactures of bacteria Bacteria: they are prokaryotic cells that absorb nutrients from the environment or produce their own nutrients, through light energy or other processes. In addition, bacteria have cell walls and plasma membranes for protection, DNA/RNA for function, and use Flagellum and their slime layer to move. Viruses: they are not cellular and aren't able to reproduce outside a host cell. they are obligate intracellular parasites. In addition, viruses are made of protein capsids, surface proteins, and DNA/RNA to inject into the host cell.

What are the three main microbes in science for age 11-14?