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i think because you might have bruised it maybe it doesn't look like it on the outside but one the inside you might have bruised the bone and if it doesn't heels in 24 hours you should go see your physician

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14y ago

Because the maena in you bloodstream is only active while you sleep when you wake up the maena begins to hack at the sides of you capillaries and so are killed by your white blood cells and then they usually get deposited in your toes.

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14y ago

Plantar fasciitis is that pain in the bottom of your foot that especially hurts first thing in the morning when you try to get out of bed and stand on it, or after sitting for awhile.

It is caused by wounding the tough fascia connective tissue on the bottom of your foot. This band runs from your heel to the ball of your foot. It supports your arch and it transmits your weight across the bottom of the foot with each step you take.

If the plantar fascia gets bruised or over-stretched, the inflammation causes the heel and foot pain. It can also get partially detached from the heel and a calcium deposit can form - a heel spur.

Pain in the back of the heel is an entirely different condition.

The major structure here is the Achilles tendon which extends down from the gastrocnemius muscle to attach at the rear of the calcaneus.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon can occur, usually in athletes or in people in engage in overxuberant physical activity involving running or jumping. Patient who are overweight are also at risk. The pain is usually described as a soreness. There is localized swelling and tenderness. Ultrasound can be used to differentiate an inflamed Achilles tendon from one that is partially or fully torn. The treatment involves anti-inflammatory medicines, physical therapy, and stretching exercises. Glucocorticoid injection is not recommended because of the danger of weakening the Achilles tendon leading to rupture. Using a foam rubber lift to elevate the heel in a shoe can help with symptoms.

Achilles rupture is handled surgically and requires a long recuperation.

Haglund's syndrome, which is a condition where a spur develops at the back of the calcaneus and is often associated with localized Achilles tendonitis can also cause pain in the back of the heel. Ill-fitting shoes are the most common cause. Typically a bump develops at the back of the heel. Because of its association with ill-fitting shoes, this is sometimes referred to as a "pump bump." Physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medicines, and stretching can often be of benefit. Glucocorticoid injection should be sparingly employed because of the danger of Achilles rupture. Wearing proper fitting shoes are an obvious adjunctive treatment.

Bursitis involving the retrocalcaneal bursa (the small sack that lies between the Achilles tendon and the calcaneus is a cause of pain behind the heel. Treatment involves the use of physical therapy modalities such as ultrasound. Sometimes glucocorticoid injection may be needed. It is important to limit the injection to one because of the danger of possible weakening of the Achilles tendon leading to rupture. Ultrasound needle guidance is advised to ensure proper localization of the injection.

The diagnosis is made by history and physical examination. Both MRI and ultrasound can be used for confirmation.

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14y ago

You could have a swollen leg, or it could be growing pains, or you may be losing circulation (because off a sock mark or something), or your atrery might be clauged.

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9y ago

If you find that your feet are always sore it could be indicative of a serious problem. You should see a doctor.

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Q: Why the bottom of my heel hurts when you press against the bone?
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