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Q: Why the moon looks different over a month?
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What causes the moon to appear differently over the course of a month?

The angle between the moon, the Earth, and the sun changes over a month, and since we only see the side of the moon that is reflecting the sun's light, it seems that the moon appears differently.

What are 2 different ways the moon moves?

one way the moon moves is around the earth. it takes 29 days .the sun looks small when your far and the stars are small too but,it is big .and there different types of moon like the full moon , crescent, half moon ,and fainlly the new moon .there are four moons in all .there's always a clcye .the clcye goes over and over

What causes the moon to appear to change shape over a lunar month?

It is simply the shadow of the earth over the moon. When none of the earth's shadow covers the moon, it is a full moon.

How do you know what the backside of the moon looks like?

Spacecraft have orbited the Moon and shown us what the far side looks like. This was first done over 50 years ago.

What is the movements of Earth and the Moon over the course of a month?

Beacause Disney world

What is the changing shape of the moon over the month called?

The Phases of The MoonWaning MoonGibbous MoonCrescent MoonWaxing MoonFull MoonNew Moon

How many times does the moon travel around the earth in a month?

The moon goes around the earth once in just over 27 days. So if the moon is between us and the sun (a "new moon") in ~27 days we'll have another new moon. So the moon takes about one month to make a full orbit. Thus the origin of the term "month" as essentially a shortening of "moon-th"

When does the new moon happen?

Thirteen times a year, or just over once a month.

How the moon appears changing shapes over a month?

because it spins on its axis every month (roughly every 28 days)

How has the Keys changed over the year?

it looks different

Why does the moon apper to change during the course of the month?

It's a matter of our point of view. The Moon is orbiting the Earth. The Moon is a dark object, about the color of charcoal, but it does reflect about 4% of the Sun's light that hits it. The Sun is over THERE, and the Moon is moving, so each night we see a different portion of the Moon being lit up by the Sun.

Does Animal Crossing for Nintendo DS Lite have accurate moon drawings?

Yes, it does. So if you ever need to do a worksheet in school about what the moon looks like over a month's time, pick up your Animal Crossing DS Game at around 7-8 o'clock at night and you'll get an accurate drawing.