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When wet tissue paper comes into contact with a mirror, the surface tension of the water in the tissue paper creates a temporary bond between the two surfaces. This adhesion is strong enough to hold the tissue paper in place due to the capillary action of water and the smooth surface of the mirror.

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A wet paper towel may be able to hold several nickels, depending on its size and thickness. However, it would not be a recommended or reliable method for carrying a significant number of coins, as the paper towel would likely tear or become too saturated to hold them securely.

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What brand of tissue paper is strongest when wet?

Brands like Kleenex Wet Wipes and Bounty are known for producing durable tissue paper that holds up well when wet. These brands typically use strong fibers and special formulations to maintain their strength and durability even when wet.

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Why it is easier to tear wet paper?

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