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The Roman had no zero because they didn't need one. We have numbers from 1 to 9 and then add a zero to represent tens, a second zero to represent 100s and so on. The Romans simply had additional symbols for 10s, 100s, 100s etc. So we would write a series of numbers such as 3, 4, 8, 13, 17, 40, 106, 789, 1005 and 2346 and the Roman numerals for each of these would be...
3 = III
4 = IV
8 = VIII
13 = XIII
17 = XVII
40 = XL
106 = CVI
1005 = MV

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Q: Why there is no zero in the Roman numeral system?
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Which Roman Numeral does not exist?

The Roman Numeral system did not have a way to represent zero.

What is the Roman numerals for zero?

there is no roman numeral for itAnother answer: The Romans had no numeral to represent zero because there was no need for a zero in their system. We have 9 numbers plus the zero symbol. We add a zero on to the end of a number to convert it to tens and two zeros to convert it to hundreds and so on. The Romans simply had different symbols for tens and hundreds. For example we would write 1, 10, 20, 40, 50, 100 and 200 but the same numbers as Roman numerals would be I, X, XX, XL, L, C and CC, done quite simply with no need for a zero. In the middle ages monks, who still used Roman numerals and wrote in Latin, began to used the symbol N to represent zero (from the Latin Nullae meaning nothing).

What system of numerals do not have zero?

the roman numeral system

What is the Roman Numeral number 0?

The Roman numeral system is decimal but not directly positional and does not include a zero.

In which numbering system zero doesn't exist?

Roman numeral system.

Which numbering system should not used zero?

The Roman numeral system

What symbol is lacking in the roman numeral system?

A zero symbol

Which number system is not using zero?

The Roman numeral system does not use a zero because it's not needed.

Why was the Roman numeral system declined?

Because of the introduction of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system during the Middle Ages which was more efficient than the Roman numeral system inasmuch that it contained a zero symbol.

Why don't we use Roman Numeral always?

We still use Roman numerals to a certain extent today but the Roman numeral system was replaced by the Hindu-Arabic numeral system because it contained a zero symbol thus making arithmetical operations a lot easier whereas the Roman numeral system has no zero symbol and mathematical operations were much more difficult.

Which number is not written in roman number?

It is zero because it's not needed in the Roman numeral system.

Which number is there no Roman numeral for?

No Roman numeral exists for zero.