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Funnels help to prevent splattering and it makes sure that as much of the liquid as possible gets into the desired container.

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Q: Why do you use funnel in transferring liquids into small-mouthed container?
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Related questions

What is used to direct liquids into a container?

A funnel.

What is used when transferring liquids from one container to another?

Use a funnel

What do you use for transferring liquids into narrow mouthed containers in science?

a funnel

What is the job of a funnel?

A funnel is used to transfer liquids from one container to another without spilling.

What is the proper way of transferring liquid substances from a narrow mouth container to a bigmouth container or vice versa?

Small chemicals can be transferred into a small-mouthed container using a spatula or a piece of paper. Dissolve the solids, make a stiff paper and scoop the solids before forcing it to slide along the piece of paper into the container with a small mouth.

How do you transfer liquids from other container to another container?

Make or buy a funnel and transfer liquid.

What do you use a funnel in science for?

To pour liquids or powders into a container with a small opening.

What is a glass funnel used?

it's used in filtering. When filtering you'd need something to put the filter paper on and at the same time make sure that what you're filtering goes straight into the beaker/receiver. The glass funnel allows us to do that.Glass funnel is used for separating solids from liquids via the laboratory process of filteringFor transferring liquids from one container to another...Posted By: noOber Baybay 0705

What laboratory apparatus used for transferring volatile liquids?

the apparatus used is separating funnel for liquids

Why you use clean paper in transferring solid chemical in a small mouthed container like test tube?

You could also use a funnel to get the chemical into the small mouthed container, but in most cases it's easier to use paper.

Which one of the five is least like the other four Bottle Cup Tub Funnel Bowl?

FUNNEL ~ The others hold liquids; liquids pass through a funnel. ~

How do you pour liquids to one container to another?

It depends on the liquid. Generally, you would wear safety goggles, gloves, apron. If the container necks are narrow, use a funnel. To avoid spillage, work over a sink.