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Q: Why was Celia the servant chosen to care for Matt?
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What does Celia look like in house of the scorpion?

Celia is Matt's caretaker. She refuses to be called his mother however, because in her eyes, Matt was only "loaned" to her. She abseloutely loves him though. Celia is probably Matt's closest friend, and has always been there for him, unless seperated. Celia also works for El Patron, cooking in his kitchens and was hired to take care of Matt.

What is Celia responsible for?

She just takes care of the feild in the morning.

How do you call the person who takes care of the house?

Building Custodian.

What is the job of a servant?

A personal servant looks after your daily needs. Arranging for a congenial environment to live in.

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You need to be more specific

Matt friends in house of the scorpion?

Maria is his first friend from when he was 5. Celia takes care of him and treats him like a mother. Tam Lin is his bodyguard and takes him on picnics and adventures. He thought that Steven and Emilia were his friends, but they betrayed him on the hovercraft when they reported him. El Patron was his friend until he found out that he was only made to be used to save El Patron's life.

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because he was jealous because Jeff had a wwe belt and Matt lost his ecw belt

What work does a domestic servant do?

Domestic servant perform a variety of household works related to washing, cleaning, cooking or feeding. He/she is responsible for the clening of room, toilet, kitchen, windows, carpets etc and also care for child in the absense of parents.

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There are a few ways to become a health care professional. The most popular way is to go to university and attain a degree in your chosen field of health care.

Can an engaged couples have a health insurance policy together?

This depends on where you live and your chosen Health care provider (I am assuming you are in THe US) You will have to ask the health care provider

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The name Hinman is of English origin and is derived from the Old English name "Hengestmann," meaning "horse servant" or "stallion worker." It may have been a occupational surname for someone who worked with horses or had a connection to horses.