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Q: Why was Charleston the last place to honor Philip Simmons?
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The address of the Middleton Place Foundation is: 4300 Ashley River Rd, Charleston, SC 29414-7200

What year did Memorial Day begin?

In 1866 the southern states established the Confederate Memorial Day to honor the Confederate war dead of the Civil War. It is observed on different days in different states. In the north, Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day to honor both the Union and Confederate Armies' war dead of the Civil War. It was first observed on May 30, 1868. In the 20th century Memorial Day was expanded to honor Americans who had died in all wars.

Where can a person go to get information on taking a vacation in Charleston?

The best place where a person can go to get information on taking a vacation to Charleston, South Carolina by visiting the official website of Charleston CVB.

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Who was the Ethiopian Eunich?

In the book of Acts chapter 8 starting in verse 26 you can read of where an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip telling him where to go to. The place he was told was also a desert place, as in no people, not a place like sand and no water. As he was there a man from Ethiopia was there on his way back to his home place when the Spirit said to Philip "Go near and overtake his chariot." As the story goes Philip taught the man from Ethiopia the truth about the Lord and baptized him. The eunuch himself was a man of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians. With all things considered the man was also a very wealthy man of great honor.

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Missouri Supreme Court

Where did the Battle of Bunker Hill take place?

breeds hill, Charleston, Massachusetts