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The Garrod hypothesis about Alkaptonuria was important because it demonstrated the concept of inborn errors of metabolism, linking a genetic defect to a specific biochemical pathway. This laid the foundation for the field of biochemical genetics, which helped advance our understanding of how genetic mutations can lead to metabolic disorders. The identification of Alkaptonuria as an inherited metabolic disorder also highlighted the importance of studying rare diseases to uncover fundamental aspects of human Biology.

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Q: Why was Garrod hypothesis about Alkaptonuria important?
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What happens if our data does not support our hypothesis?

If your data does not support your hypothesis, it means that there is not enough evidence to conclude that your hypothesis is true. In such cases, you may need to reconsider your hypothesis, collect additional data, or revise your experimental approach. It is important to acknowledge and learn from results that do not support your initial hypothesis in order to refine your research and understanding.

How is a scientific hypothesis best evaluated?

A scientific hypothesis is best evaluated through the scientific method, which involves making observations, formulating a hypothesis, designing and conducting experiments, analyzing the data, and drawing conclusions. The hypothesis should be testable, falsifiable, and reproducible to be considered valid. Peer review and replication of experiments by other scientists are also important for evaluating the validity of a hypothesis.

What is the word of you hypothesis is right?

If your hypothesis is correct, it means that your prediction or proposed explanation aligns with the observed data or results from your study. This suggests that your initial assumption or idea about the relationship between variables is supported by evidence. It is important to continue testing and analyzing to further validate the hypothesis.

A hypothesis that is supported by evidence gathered in the research process is called a what?

Supported hypothesis or confirmed hypothesis.

How is H1 hypothesis rejected?

H1 hypothesis is rejected when the p-value associated with the test statistic is less than the significance level (usually 0.05) chosen for the hypothesis test. This indicates that the data provides enough evidence to reject the alternative hypothesis in favor of the null hypothesis.