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Jonah was told by God to go and preach to the Ninevites, but Jonah disobeyed and took a ship going in the opposite direction. A big storm came upon the ship and Jonah was asked to pray to God to stop the storm. The storm did not stop and so the sailors cast lots to determine if someone on the ship was the cause of the storm. The lot fell upon Jonah and so the sailors cast Jonah into the sea.

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Q: Why was Jonah thrown overboard?
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Jonah. God told him to go to Ninevah and preach but Jonah ran from God, he boarded a ship bound for a far away place so God sent a storm and Jonah was thrown overboard. It wasn't Jonah's time to die so god sent a whale to swallow Jonah, Jonah spent three days inside the whale praying to God for forgiveness so God had the whale spit Jonah onto shore and Jonah went to preach the gospel in Ninevah as God had commanded.

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No. He was thrown overboard by his crew

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they were thrown overboard

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they were thrown overboard

Did Jonna jump out of the boat?

No, he built it. If you mean the biblical Jonah, technically he was thrown overboard. He had disobeyed God who told him to to go to the town, Niniveh. Jonah instead, boarded a boat going in the opposite way. To prove to Jonah that he can't run away from God, He caused a huge storm. Jonah realized this, told the crew about his transgression, and that they should throw him over, which they only did so after tossing much o' their cargo. Once they threw Jonah over, the storm subsided. To the previous answer, you're thinking Noah.

What dangers did Henry Hudson face on his ship?

He got thrown overboard

How do you say thrown overboard in french?

lancé par-dessus bord

What was thrown overboard at the Boston Tea Party?

tea, and approx. 300 cases of it.

Who was thrown overboard during the Boston tea party?

Tea that was aboard a British Ship.