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Mycobacterium smegmatis is a non pathogenic organism so it is used in labs to study about Mycobacterium tuberculosis .

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Q: Why was Mycobacterium smegmatis used instead of Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
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Who was the first person to get tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is named for the bacterium that causes it, "mycobacterium tuberculosis", which was first "seen" by Robert Koch, a German physician. Tuberculosis used to be called "consumption".

What bacteria is used in acid-fast staining?

It is used for those bacteria which contain fat or lipid layer on their outer wall, and did not stain with grams staining. e.g. Mycobacterium

How does one get a tuberculosis?

yes. secondary tuberculosis which is more common in adult is actually the reactivation of the bacterial (M. Tuberculosis) which remain dormant in the lung after the first infection that can go back years ago.

How can you stop tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterial infections are very difficult to treat, due in part to their slow growth and thick protective layer of lipids. Currently, a multi-drug regimen lasting at least six months is used to treat tuberculosis. Some drugs used in the normal treatment include isoniazid, rifampicin, and pyrazinamide. However, drug resistance is on the rise, and strains are becoming increasingly immune to the standard treatments.

What is the preferred media for growing mycobacterium?

The Löwenstein-Jensen medium, more commonly known as LJ medium, is a growth medium especially used for culture of Mycobacterium species, notably Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The medium must be incubated for a significant length of time, usually four weeks, due to the slow doubling time of M. tuberculosis (15-20 hours) compared with other bacteria. Several new molecular technologies have emerged in recent years to secure more speedy confirmation of diagnosis: -Polymerase chain reaction -GeneXpert MTB/RIF -Loop-mediated isothermal amplification

How does one get Tuberculosis?

Passed on from bacteria. Either from a person with tuberculosis coughing on them or if they used a cup that someone with tuberculosis just used etcc.. x

Aside from the genus Mycobacterium name other groups of microorganisms which are considered as acid-fast or partially acid-fast?

NocardioformsNocardioforms include nine genera of aerobic, acid-fast rods, including members of the genus Nocardia. Nocardioforms have aerial hyphae which project above the surface of their growth medium as branching filaments. The hyphae fragment into rods and cocci. Nocardioforms are found throughout nature in many types of soil and aquatic environments. One species, N. asteroides, causes infection of the human lung.

Why are Mycobacterium digested with sodium hydroxede for 30min prior to staining?

First of all I suggest you to check and correct the mistakes which you have done in your question. It is sodium hydroxide (NaOH) rather than sodium hydroxede, the mycobacterium is not digested rather sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used to homogenize and decontaminate the sputum sample which is generally collected in case of pulmonary tuberculosis. The sputum may contain the mycobacterium along with other normal commensal flora of the upper respiratory tract and the oral cavity. The load of mycobacterium may be less and it may be entrapped in the mucous part of the sputum sample, therefore, the process of homogenization is done using sodium hydroxide to digest the mucous, liberate the entrapped mycobacterium and destroy the contaminating commensal flora. Homogenization and decontamination is generally done by different methods but Petroff's method is the most commonly used. The sample is then neutralized by adding HCl (hydrocholoric acid) and is used for smear and culture.

Is Alluporinol used for the treatment of Tuberculosis?

it is mostly used to treat gout

What are some medications for tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Mycobacterium bovis. The bacteria invades the alveoli of the lungs where it hides in the macrophages that help clean pathogens out of the lungs. Once in the macrophages, the bacteria is very resistent to treatment, which usually consists of multi-drug regimes for months.The current protocol consists of the following: Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide and Ethambutol for two months then just Isoniazid and Rifampicin for a further four months.However, Mycobacterium is evolving to be resistent to these drugs, and some people have forms of tuberculosis that cannot be treated with medications at all. This is an emerging world-wide public health problem.

What is the function of the deltoid tuberosity?

DefinitionA tubercle is a small rounded point of a bone. It also refers to a nodule attached to bone, mucous membrane, or skin.The term "tubercle" is less commonly used to refer to lesions resulting from Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.

A urease test is used to identify Myobacterium tuberculosis because Urease is a sign of tuberculosis?

Because M.tuberculosis produces urease. thus indicating a person has the bacteria can cause tuberculosis.