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Q: Why was Swan of Jeremiah Johnson killed by the Crow Indians?
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What happened to Bruce Lee's son Brandon lee when he died?

He was killed during the making of the crow. They were rehearsing the scene where Eric (Brandon) gets killed and they didn't know that the gun was really loaded.

What are facts about the real Jeremiah Johnson?

Liver Eating Johnston received his nickname for removing part of an Indian's liver during a knife fight. His real name was Garrison and he was also known as John Johnson, Jack Johnson and just Liver Eating Johnson. See Crow Killer and Mountain Man, both good 'tall tale' books, the movie Jeremiah Johnson, The Avenging Fury of the Plains--a non fiction book, and the web site at the link below. (This is great information for the gist of the movie) Jeremiah Johnson was a solitary man and that's why he settled in the rockies. I have no doubt he was a "tender foot" and would have died in those mountains if the Black Foot hadn't helped him to learn to survive and an old fur trader. However, because he was so solitary and that most of the old pioneer men that wandered through the mountains not seeing a human soul in months knew much about each other. If they did come across each other they would sit over their campfires spinning yarns and laughing so it's difficult to know truth from myth. Even Jeremiah's death is not clear and the Indians would like to believe he was killed by a large grizzly. No one will know for sure. I would like to add that as I research Jeremiah Johnson credits went to many without mentioning much about Robert Redford other than he played the character of Jeremiah in the film. What many people didn't know was Robert Redford worked on this film and used much of his own money and almost lost much of his land because of this film. Directors wouldn't touch this film right away and thought it wasn't good enough and it sat on the shelves drawing dust. Then one day a director did pick it up and the rest is history. Some critics picked the movie apart, but my husband and I have seen it several times and always enjoy it and we felt it was well done. Many of our friends think the same thing, so what do critics no ... it's only an individuals opinion. Mr. Redford now has an actor's studio called "Sundance." The one thing I have learned from listening to interviews regarding Robert Redford is he likes little of the verbal and more panning of camera shots (that's acting!) He also tries to stick to the truth and not myth. The truth of the real Johnston is that he took the name John Johnston some time after he jumped ship in 1858. He ended up in the Montana gold fields in 1862. He became friends with John X Beidler and the brother George Beidler. He joined the Union Army because of the advance monies. He was out in 1865 and returned to Montana where he earned his moniker Liver Eating in a fight with the Sioux.

Did Bruce Lee's kids die?

Yes. Both Brandon and Shannon Lee were famous.

Who is cecelia crow in The Hunger Games?

Cecelia Crow was a District 5 Victor. She participated and was killed in the Third Quarter Quell (75th Hunger Games). It is suggested she was a mother to three children, since she had to pry herself away from them when she went up to the stage for the reaping.

Why was James beckworth famous?

Well James was captured by the crow Indians, and they had mistaken him for the Cheifs lost son, so they took him in and he stayed with them for so long, that when his adopdted father died, he became the chief of the Crows.

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What ever happened to Swan of Jeremiah Johnson?

She was killed by Crow Indians while Jeremiah was away.

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joaquin martinez

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How many crow Indians are there now?

ther are almost 12,000 Indians living on the crow reseveration!!!

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crow indians beliefs, religions and culture

What do the Crow Indians live in?

the crow Indians live in tee peas decorated with sun, stars ect

What are the release dates for Crow Indians Harvesting - 1903?

Crow Indians Harvesting - 1903 was released on: USA: November 1903

What is the main custom of Crow Indians?

will you write me a one page easy over the crow indians contributions? <that has nothing to do with this persons ?

Was the Cherokee nation friends with the Crow nation?

yes some of the Cherokee Indians and Crow Indians got alone but some did not.

What has the author Robert Harry Lowie written?

Robert Harry Lowie has written: 'Crow word lists' -- subject(s): Dictionaries, Crow, English, English language, Crow language 'The matrilineal complex' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Matriarchy, Indians of North America 'Indians of the Plains' -- subject(s): Indians of North America, Indianen, Great Plains 'Minor ceremonies of the Crow Indians' -- subject(s): Crow Indians, Indians of North America, Religion 'Primitive religion' -- subject(s): Religion 'Plains Indian age-societies' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Indians of North America 'The sun dance of the Crow Indians' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Crow Indians, Crow dance, Sun dance 'Indians of the Plains' 'The religion of the Crow Indians' -- subject(s): Crow Indians, Religion, Crow mythology, Indians of North America, Indian mythology, Religion and mythology 'The German people' -- subject(s): Civilization, National characteristics, German, German National characteristics 'The material culture of the Crow Indians' 'Societies of the Kiowa' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Kiowa Indians, Indians of North America 'The origin of the state' 'Robert H. Lowie' 'Ethnographic notes on the Washo' -- subject(s): Indians of North America, Washo Indians, Ethnology 'The Assiniboine' 'The sun dance of the Wind River Shoshoni and Ute' -- subject(s): Ute Indians, Sun dance, Shoshoni Indians 'Social life of the Crow Indians' -- subject(s): Crow Indians, Social life and customs, Indians of North America 'A Crow text, with grammatical notes' -- subject(s): Indians of North America, Languages, Crow Indians, Crow language, Texts 'Social organization' -- subject(s): Sociology 'Primitive society' 'Studies in plains Indian folklore' -- subject(s): Indian mythology, Indians of North America, Folklore 'The origin of the state' -- subject(s): State, The, Primitive societies, The State 'Myths and traditions of the Crow Indians' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Crow Indians, Crow mythology, Folklore, Legends, Religion and mythology 'Minor ceremonies of the Crow Indians' 'Some aspects of political organization among the American aborigines' -- subject(s): Indians of America, Social life and customs

Where did crow Indians live?
